Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Premium Lose It!

I'd decided I liked Lose It!, and I'd been debating about upgrading to Premium for the nutrition tracking and step tracking capability (the awesome barcode reader is free).  Then I got the welcome email, and they made the push to upgrade.  What sealed it for me is they do not auto-renew.  They send a reminder email, but if you don't renew, they just drop you back down to Free.  How cool is that?  Sold.  I upgraded to Premium this afternoon (one year costs less than the next three months of WW was going to cost, so I figure it's a good thing to try).

I set up goals for carbs, fats, protein, fiber, sodium, and steps.  My protein and fiber is green, but my carbs and fats are in the red zone (using today's numbers).  No surprise there, but I'm glad to know I'm getting enough protein and fiber. The challenge, then, isn't to increase protein but to decrease fats and carbs (well, duh!).

In an aside, I'm so glad I got the iPhone.  It is such a useful tool.  I'm trying the Moves app.  I was a little concerned about it knowing too much about where I was and what I was doing, but it isn't quite that sensitive.  I've spent most of my time the last couple days sitting in front of the computer, so it's atrocious.  Unfortunately, it can't tell when I'm on the stationary bike, so I don't get a cycling "bubble" for that time.  It still shows up as walking, and registers less time than I was on the bike.  I'm still carrying my pedometer in my pocket, but we'll see if Moves "learns" after I've used it more.

I need to check out Tammy's walking video.

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