Saturday, March 22, 2014

I need another nap

Things here are mostly all right. I'm still adjusting to our new Tempurpedic bed, and by adjusting I mean I'm sleeping soundly (with dreams and everything!) but spend my awake hours cranky because I'm achy in my bones. It's mostly my spine and joints, and I don't like it. Apparently it's part of adjusting to the bed and can take almost a month to get through, but I am so, so frustrated, and tired, which is weird because I seem to be sleeping well.

Crap, I dunno. I'm just not happy.

Writing is stalled - nothing new to report there - but I have, maybe, had some progress with the weight loss. Maybe. I'd been slipping off the program for quite a while and struggling to get back on it - this past week I focused on the Good Health Guidelines and didn't worry much about anything else, but I did add exercise back in, yay! - and I lost a pound. I don't think I earned the loss (oy! the sautee burgers and sweet potato fries at a local burger joint!), but there it was.


I talk on the phone fairly often with my writer friend Shirley (she writes witch mysteries and women's suspense) and we're both struggling with getting the words as well as other things. Anyway, we've given each other a challenge of sorts. I gave her a writing assignment, and she gave me an eating assignment. My assignment is, just for today, I will follow the plan. Just for TODAY. Not all week, or month or forever, Just TODAY.

She gave me the assignment on Thursday afternoon, and I started it yesterday. I tracked everything, followed all the GHGs, exercised... and was down a pound at weigh in. I blame Shirley for this, not my eating for the whole week. I'm going to keep doing this every 'just for today' until it's a habit. At least that's my plan. I will get up in the morning and tell myself that just for TODAY I will follow the WW plan. Go me!

(I think next week I'll add that mantra to writing, but we'll see)

We got the computers moved into the new office area (it's actually our entryway, or at least the initial room when you walk in the front door) and it seems to be working well. Bill and I both decluttered our desks, we bought a new rug... It looks really nice, just kinda odd to have right past the front door. lol Our new couch should come in a couple of weeks, but our old couch is moved to the new location and the overall layout seems to be working, too. Yay.

I've been doing some other decluttering, simplifying, tossing stuff. It's coming slow, but it is coming, so that's good.

We had a glimpse of spring mid week, but it's cold again and snow's in the forecast for Monday. Whee.

I hope you all have a great week! {{hugs}}

1 comment:

Jean said...

Just for today, you can do it.

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