Saturday, March 22, 2014

Land of Make Believe

I've always enjoyed the jazz of Chuck Mangione.  Not a bad week. Here's what went down.

  • Lady has done well in the Halfway House mode.  I give her her medicine in the morning, and she has the run of the house until after 8pm.  When she comes downstairs or if she's already downstairs, she gets tucked into the cage for the night. She's spending about half her time downstairs and half her time upstairs.  She's only had one incident with Rossie, and it was at "the watering hole" upstairs one evening as I was getting things ready for me to go to bed, but I hadn't brought her downstairs to tuck her in yet.  She and Rossie have both been out in the open in the same room numerous times throughout the week, so the only problems seem to have been when their paths cross directly.
  • Thankfully, we got the water pipes repaired and the water turned back on.  It took a day longer than planned, but it's done -- with shut-off valves instead of just capping the lines, so the process should work better when we decide to finish that bathroom.  Finishing that bathroom is a priority for me, because it just makes sense to have a bathroom with a hallway access. It isn't a priority for Mr. L, though, so it will be a long time happening.
  • I did get a haircut.
  • I spent one day running errands -- depositing checks into credit union accounts; making an appointment for my annual exam and to get my knee looked at with the VA; renewing vehicle registrations on Ft Hood, picking up prescriptions, and making a commissary run.
  • I helped Mr. L set up scaffolding along the front of the house, and he began finishing work on the final coats of paint.  
  • We dug some weeds and I laid down a pre-emergent weed preventative that is supposed to keep the sandburs from emerging later this year.
  • I mowed at the store.
  • I set up a list for people to subscribe to RandR blog posts.  I'm offering it in time for the A-Z Blog Challenge for people who want to read more but don't want to have to worry about finding their way back to the blog to do so -- the A-Z Challenge can be a hassle to find blogs you like as you're whizzing through.  I also began scheduling posts.  Which means I'm having to finalize those posts.  Eek. I'm putting a blog subscription signup form in the footer of each post for the A-Z Challenge.  I hope that's not too annoying for people.
  • The queasiness seems to have subsided, which means my weight has stabilized, and I'm feeling hungrier.  I have, however, chosen a smaller meal at our favorite Mexican restaurant in town, and it turned out to be even smaller than I thought.  I also devised a few other techniques to help keep me mindful in my dietary ways.
What I Didn't Get Done:
  • I didn't get any work done on PBOTL or evaluating my WIPs.
  • Ag exemption not turned in -- Mr. L needs to summarize the terms of the verbal lease with the people who are making hay, and he's procrastinating about doing this.  We'll get it turned in before April 30th, but good grief.  Write the two or three sentences that will summarize it and turn the form in for Heaven's sake!
  • Now he wants to begin work on the taxes when we get back from San Antonio oafter this trip.  I never knew what a procrastinator he was before we got married.  This has become more apparent than ever in recent years, and it bugs me.
  • Then there's my procrastinating about the things mentioned above as well as working on the floors upstairs.  To me, it's different, because my deadlines are internal, and the ones he's procrastinating on are external.  An argument could be made that it's two sides of the same coin.

The Week Ahead:
  • Accompany Mr. L to San Antonio on this week's quick trip.  The Apple Store said if I'd bring in the Mini, they'd install Lion on it for me.  That will bring the Mini to the newest version of OS X possible for it's hardware (I purchased this OS already, so I'm authorized at no charge, but they've pulled it from the App Store, so I can't install it myself).  We'll take Lady and Natasha with us, so Lady can get her medicine each day, and they both can get some outside time in the back yard.  The rest of the cats should be fine on towers.
  • Finalize more A-Z posts and get them scheduled.
  • Mow the lawn.
  • Submit ad for yard sale to newspaper.
  • Begin setting up for yard sale, planned for the weekend after next.

1 comment:

Tammy Jones said...

Mostly, Jean, it sounds like a whole lot of great news, so YAY!!!

I hear you on the procrastination thing. I'm a chronic procrastinator, but Bill *usually* isn't. When he is, tho, and decides to 'get it done!' it's RIGHT NOW regardless of what I happen to be doing/feeling/wanting/scheduling at that time. It gets kinda frustrating for me, but I know he gets frustrated with my overall lack of motivation, so I guess we're even. ;)

{{hugs}} and have a great week!

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