Sunday, March 9, 2014


Things are slowly getting better. It's also thawing here. I'm pretty sure one has to do with the other.

Good Stuff:
- Y'all know the best news already. If you check here, you can see if for yourself if you scroll all the way down.
- I had a long conversation with Jeff, whose illness has afforded me this opportunity. Not only did he help me put together a list of stories to tell little kids, he's going to copy some other stories he's had good luck with and stick them in the mail. It looks like phone and snail mail will be the way we work for a while. He has no plans to leave Kansas City anytime soon, and we haven't decided if we're going to trek all the way out there for the KC Games.
- Visited the Art Institute of Chicago with a friend Tuesday morning, which gave me a chance to ride the L. I now have my very own bus and train pass.
- Started therapy. It went pretty well, I think, for an initial visit. I'm going again this week.
- Eric was in Milwaukee all week, and I survived. ;-) I had been a little concerned about being in the city alone, but it wasn't a big deal.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Eric and I were supposed to meet with a trainer at the gym yesterday and our appointment didn't get booked, so we wasted an hour trying to get that straight.
- I packed all our spare blankets in a big suitcase and apparently left it downstate. It wouldn't be a big deal except Alex and his girlfriend are coming for a few days this week while they're on spring break. I did go by Target and found a pair of bedspreads that I'm sure will see good use here, but still.
- I've started tracking my food again, and while I've kept the calories within limits, I'm eating a lot of carbs. Even on days when I try to go low carb I end up eating a lot of them. And why does protein almost always come with fat? It must be a conspiracy. Keeping junk food out of the house does appear to be a good strategy. Even on the days when I REALLY want cake, it's too much trouble to suit up for the cold to walk across the street and get it.
- The warm-up isn't a minute too soon. For the first time ever, I think, I'm getting a little desperate to wear something besides jeans, possibly because I've pretty much been cycling between two pairs for the last few months. Probably 80% of my lower body wardrobe doesn't fit right now, and some of the shirts are tight. I went through three sweaters getting dressed this morning. This move has not been good to my weight.

This Week:
- Go to the gym a couple times.
- Write.
- Get ready for Alex and Emma.
- Remember to pick them up at the train station. (Like I need a reminder for that!)


Jean said...

Moving is tough. Get a nice bout of a week of food leaving you with a queasy feeling, and the weight just falls off. My challenge is not to find it again.

Jean said...

No, of course I'm not recommending that. You're finding some good strategies. You can do it. Have a great visit with Alex and Emma.

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