Saturday, March 22, 2014

Loose ends

I've been at loose ends this week. I finished the upload, cover, and publishing of Creations 2014 on Monday night. So I have that empty feeling that accompanies the end of a project.

Still fighting a cold, but much, much better. A couple more days, and I think this snot-storm will be finally over.

Thursday night, I suffered the horror of having my 16-year-old Diamondtron monitor die. It was a great monitor. Weighed a ton, used power like an air conditioner, but had the resolution of a microscope. The manufacturer doesn't even make them anymore. I know because I tried to find another one.

I used an old LCD I've had for about 10 years until today when I went to Staples and found a new HP monitor. Better resolution than the old LCD, but not as good as the Diamondtron. It will have to do until I have a bit more money.

This week I'm going to see how I like this monitor. I have 14 days to decide. If it doesn't work out, I will take it back and try another one. This one was on sale.

Speaking of Creations 2014, the proof copies will arrive Wednesday next week. I'm looking forward to seeing how the cover printed. I think some of the graphics will need to be moved, but I'll know for sure when I have my hands on it and can use a pica pole to see.

I'm also working on plans for another anthology, this one edited by me. Tentative title: Blackbirds. I'm planning on including poems and stories with a darker tone. And I'm going to invite several writers I know to submit stories and poems that fit the theme. It's a project several months away from launch, but I find it clamoring for my time and attention.

Today we had a good writers group meeting. Lots of lively discussion about writing. Well worth my effort and time.

This coming week I'm going to:
- Keep up on my chores.
- Publish a family newsletter.
- Edit a friend's short story.
- Start editing on another friend's book.
- Update the blogs, including the one for the writers group.
- Start my heart walking rehabilitation program again.

Hope you have a great week!

1 comment:

Jean said...

If the HP doesn't work out, see if you can find a Samsung in your price range.

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