Saturday, December 3, 2011

December 3 tambometrics

This has been the week of not a whole lot happening.

M received a declination from Harlequin/MIRA which was omg super nice. I still find it weird to receive such gushing praise with a rejection. It makes my brain lock up for a moment. Being rejected is okay with me, but it's still weird. Can't they dislike it a little? At least then it'd make more sense.

Wrote a scene for Stain, but I dunno if I like it or not. Every time I try to tighten it up, I find myself looking for distractions. The whole book's been that way. I need to work on it, so I open it up and... oooh! Let's play solitaire instead!

I haven't located my sewing machine in the clutter that is my sewing room. It's awful. I really have to get something going in there soon. For Christmas sewing, if nothing else.

Pretty quiet week, overall. Just some running around for doctor appointments and such. Been trying to prep for the snow that started today. There's been laundry, lots and lots of laundry. And dealing with the financial aftermath of having to pay for a new transmission right before piles of other bills came due (and house not closing like it was supposed to, so having to make yet another house payment, arrgh!!), but that's all handled and money's in savings again so I can stop fretting.

We were told that the house would close on the 22nd (yay, get out from under this mortgage!), but the appraiser lost the initial paperwork. (I think I mentioned that) but he called to actually *do* the appraisal the day before Thanksgiving (!!! of all the days to do it!) and it came in at MORE than anyone expected, including us, so that was super great news, right? (It actually went up about 5% in value, in a down market, and a crap economy. Yay!!) So the closing got put off to the first of next week. Well, we got a call yesterday that the underwriters need some bit of information from the appraiser (our bank had no idea what, exactly) and he hasn't returned calls or emails, so it's all back on hold. Again.

Um. Yeah. Here's hoping it'll close by January, but I'll plan on making that payment anyway. ;)

In other housey news, we're tidy here, other than the sewing room. I go in there, look at the madness, and find some distraction. I sense a theme, here. ;)

Hit my new low and it's been holding steady for a couple of days now, expect another downward nudge sometime this weekend or Monday. I'm back to exercising after an almost 2 week hiatus (life, dontchaknow?) so I'm just making myself do 15 min. I'll up it to 20 next week.

Something is still making me sneeze in the kitchen. I can't for the life of me figure out what. Surely it's not my new Adele CD, but that's the only 'new' thing in there that I can think of.

Everything Else
Kinda busy, kinda bored, kinda just trying to get by until the next thing. I need to finish my Christmas shopping (not much left) and Goz needs to go in for his annual doc visit next week. And I must start holiday baking. And sewing. I HAVE to sew!! Somehow. And write, yes must write.

But I think I'll play some solitaire on the puter awhile instead. ;)

Have a happy week, everyone!


SBB said...

The sneeze attack has me interested. Any chance the cleaning products have changed in some way? New ones or a change in using one or perhaps the maker changed the formula? Or could a cleaning product be leaking somewhere? Or how about the drain pan of your fridge? Or a slow leak under your sink? Clues! We need clues! :)

Sorry about M. Those publishers suck. You'd think if they like it so much that they would tell you what they'd want changed about it to offer it in their line. It needs to be published. It's a very good book.

Congrats on the weight loss!

Tammy Jones said...

Sneezes have me perplexed, too. Nothing new in the cleaning solutions department, foodstuffs, or anything, and the sneezes happen well away from the fridge - it's over by the coffee pot, dog dish, and china cabinet. Maybe it's just general allergy stuff that merely hits when I'm in the back of the kitchen, I dunno, but dang. It's a lot of sneezing. lol

Wendy said...

Wow, the clutter is bad when you lose the sewing machine! lol ((Hugs)) for that.

The appraisal is good news. I hope the paperwork comes through this year but if not, it's another month of mortgage interest to take off on your taxes.

I love Adele! 21 is sitting on my desk, waiting for my favorite songs to be ripped into iTunes when I get around to it. She must have stellar luck with men, though. That whole CD has a woman scorned theme.

Tammy Jones said...

It was just papers and patterns and a couple of pairs of jeans I need to mend, nothing huge, just In The Way.

We never claim our mortgage interest since our itemized deductions always come up to less than the standard deduction. :(

It's a great album. The family is pretty tired of me belting out Rumor Has It while I cook supper. ;)

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