Saturday, March 3, 2012

New York Minute

Meant to post this last week, but accidentally deleted it and didn't take the time to type it again. So what's going on with me? In short, I've been in crisis mode since last Wednesday night when my blood sugar soared to a whopping 349! So ... a trip to the emergency room that night and a Thursday trip to the doctor, and lots of things changed.

First, I'm probably going to go on insulin at the end of March. Not keen about this, but it's much better than losing my eyesight or a limb or my kidneys. Right now, we're doing some things to see how my body is actually doing, and that will determine insulin or not (although it's almost certain that I will be starting some form of insulin) and if insulin, what my dosage will be.

Second, I'm on a low low low carb diet. Between 30 and 60 carbs a day. Ouch. I'm hungry all the time. And I do mean hungry. I look forward to each upcoming meal.

Third, I feel lousy. As the doctor said, carbs are my body's drug, and I'm going through withdrawal. I ache all over, my head pounds, I sweat like a horse at times, and I'm not sleeping much. But that will get better.

Fourth, the diet is working. My blood sugar last night before I went to exercise was 101. Well within the normal range. So I went from 349 down to 101 in just a little over a week. I'm glad the diet is having these good results. If I had to cut back like this and it wasn't working, I'd be at the doctor right now demanding insulin so I could eat.

Fifth, what am I eating? Well, too many eggs. Or actually egg-substitute because I also have to watch my cholesterol since I'm a diabetic. Many salads. Many veggies. Tiny portions of fruit, and certain fruits are simply a no-no. Beef, chicken, fish, tofu. No bread. No sugar. No Dr Pepper. No rice. No potatoes. It's actually better than it sounds. Like Friday night, my friends and I went to eat at Santa Fe Steakhouse. I had a steak, steamed veggies, and a salad. I missed the bread and the potato, but it was still a good and filling meal. Naturally I can have those items, but I have to know their carb counts and limit my portion to the appropriate size. Or I can after this first month. It may be easier to simply not have them.

Sixth, no work on Murder by the Mile other than reorganizing my notes and doing some editing. It's hard to concentrate right now on anything.

Seventh, did my taxes. No refunds, but only having to pay less than $20. Overall, I'm pleased.

Eighth, the weight is really falling off me. I'm kind of amazed by it. But that's good, because insulin is well known to cause weight gain at first. So when I go on it, it would be nice to down some.

Ninth, also been working on the writers group anthology. Much writing in it is good, but several of them don't know the basics of punctuation. And they have real trouble understanding the different between "its" and "it's," and "there," "they're," and "their." Makes me crazy.

Tenth, speaking of crazy, I'm a little crazy right now. Mood swings that would impress a bi-polar. I actually called the doctor about it, because I was so concerned. Comes with my body adjusting to the low blood sugar levels. He says. Pray for my roomie and friends. They're bearing the blunt of me.

Anyway, that catches you up. Here's next week's plan.

1. Continue on the low low low carb diet.
2. Continue to walk as many days I can.
3. Finish inputting the corrections on the anthology.
4. Write 1,000 new words on Murder by the Mile.
5. Print and mail the March newsletter.
6. Find some peace and joy among all this chaos.

Now, what's up with you?


Wendy said...

Oh. Wow. What a week you've had. I can empathize on the withdrawal. I came off caffeine almost 2 years ago, and it still gets under my skin when I see nicotine patch commercials. Wimps. OK, so I'm holding off on the cookies until you get a handle on the carbs. Hang in there and you'll get through it. You just have to hold on by your fingernails for a while.

Tammy Jones said...

Oh, hon. {{{huggs}}} Hang in there. If you can keep yourself around 101 with cutting carbs, maybe you can stay off insulin. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Are your writers getting your and you're right? To, too, and two? Those are the ones I see most often online, at least.

More {{huggs}}

SBB said...

Yeah, Wendy, it's best to hold off on the cookies, although I've promised myself as soon as I have two readings in a row below 100, I'm going to have an oatmeal raisin cookie!

Tammy, you must have read the anthology! Yes, those errors are there in hordes!

Both of you, thanks for the support. I'll make it through this, and -- insulin or not -- I'll be healthier.

Jean said...

What a rough couple of weeks. The low carb is supposed to do the trick. As you're experiencing, breaking the carb addiction is the toughest. I'm so proud of how well you're doing.

SBB said...

Thanks, Jean. It's quite hard, but fear is a mighty motivator.

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