Monday, June 11, 2012

Done and will do

Here's the skinny on my week.

Planned last week:
- Walk at the gym three times and try for four: only walked twice at the gym, but did ride the bike at home.
- Continue the low carb diet: Did this.
- Work on On Target: Did this.
- Attend the Creations 2012 book signing this Thursday and sell some of my books there, too! Did this. Sold five books of mine there. The group sold 12 of Creations 2012. Another author sold a few books, also. It was a nice signing. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and the readings went over well. Took most of the day, though. A lot of work to set up and take down. Glad to have done it, but glad it's over, too. 
- Write a few words -- just words, dang it -- on Murder by the Mile. Did a few words.  Not a lot, but slowly they came. I think I can coax them back if I'm careful. I long for those 2,000 word days I did in NaNoWriMo. I'd be really happy with a 1,000 word day right now.
- Fight the black dog relentlessly. Did this.
- Working on having faith in anything. There are good things in this world. I have to find them in my ordinary world and make them part of my life. Worked on this, but got another couple of hits last week. Sometimes I think certain people really do choose to the most evil thing.

Also did:
- Attended the Saturday writers group meeting and heard about a member's recent trip to Haiti. Brought into focus for me that I really do have "first world problems." Terrifying what the Haitian people confront day-to-day.
- Enjoyed a welcome home dinner with a friend that evening. She had been spent nearly two weeks in Italy and Germany. Her photos of the Vatican were fantastic. It was awesome. I hope to see more of them.

Planned this week:

This week:
- Walk at the gym three times and try for four.
- Continue the low carb diet.
- Work on On Target.
- Write a more words on Murder by the Mile.
- Fight the black dog relentlessly.
- Continue to look for the good things in this world.
- Work on the swimming pool. It's past time for it to be up. Still a lot of work to go.
- Make appointment with doctor for my half-year diabetes checkup. We'll see how that goes.

Hope y'all have a great week!


Jean said...

Good luck at the half year appointment. It sure sounds like you've been doing good things for yourself.

Wendy said...

It looks like you've gotten some good stuff done. I'm glad the book signing went well. Let me know what I owe you for mine and I'll drop a check in the mail.

SBB said...

Wendy, one writer wasn't there at the signing, but should be at our June 23 meeting, so I'll get her to sign your book then. I did get one for you. Wendy, I'll send you an email on the price.

Jean, I have a book plate for you that everyone has signed that needs that writer's signature. As soon as I get it, I'll mail it to you.

Jean said...

Thank you, Stephen! Good thinking.

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