Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's October!

Nothing too interesting to report here. Just look at last week's entry and add a few thousand more words to SPORE. Need to get it DONE. Arrgh.

I want to grumble a bit about Weight Watchers, tho. I have SmartOnes frozen dinners on hand (they're usually what I have for lunch, so there's 6 points). I have some 2 and 3 point snacks, both sweet and crunchy/salty. I have fruits and veggies up the wazoo in my fridge. I don't even like fruit but I'm eating some, oh, four times a day and my salad of choice is spinach based. Getting plenty of water. I'm weighing and measuring everything, calculating points on everything, being super careful and I'm keeping track on a paper tracker and a point calculator. I've attended all three meetings since I joined, I'm participating in the discussions. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to do.

But I'm up. UP. Yeah, it was 'only' .6 lbs, but it was my second weigh in after joining. What the crap?!? My family is scarfing spaghetti and I have salad. Haven't touched bread or butter or anything even close to bad. And I go UP. I'm bloated and uncomfortable and trying not to cry. I made curried chicken and rice last night (brown rice, chicken, some veggies, dried cranberries, chopped almonds, greek yogurt and spices, that's it) thinking it was something we all could eat, yet it calculated to a whopping eighteen points for a bowlful (Damn almonds, rice, and cranberries! But what's left? Chicken, carrots and celery?!?!). That blew out any hope for a writing time snack (had a 2 pointer anyway and took the hit to my weekly points, grr) but after my bowl of curried rice I was still hungry. Sure, I could have had less than a full bowl but I'd had salad for lunch, a banana and microwaved egg for breakfast, and I was HUNGRY. It's astounding how fast these points disappear. I'm not eating anything greasy or 'bad', I really don't feel like I'm getting enough meat/protein, and all this fruit is just plain gross. I'm being just about perfect here, and still I go UP. On week two!

Please tell me this lack-of-feeling-satisfied goes away. That this is just some adjustment quirk. On their FB page a woman posted about losing 21 lbs in 5 weeks and I started bawling.

Fruit's nasty, but it's free. Beans and brown rice, tho, cost points.



Wendy said...

I did exactly the same thing last month. Try using some of your weekly points on healthy snacks for a few weeks and see if it helps. It helped me, and I was TTHHHHIIIIIISSSSS close to dropping WW. The only reason I didn't was because I didn't have a back-up plan. I'm coming back down slowly.

If you're really not enjoying the fruit, don't eat it. Seriously. There are a lot of veggies you can snack on. Nuts take points, but they're healthy, too, and it sounds like you need some protein based snacks. I have a recipe you might like that I'll post in a few minutes.

Huggs, and hang in there.

SBB said...

Tammy, I did Weight Watchers for a while -- before going low carb diabetic diet -- and I found the first few weeks were hard, but it got easier. I tried all the low point food there was and found what I could enjoy. But those first few weeks were depressing. Keep at it!

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