Saturday, October 13, 2012

Wendy's Week

And it's only Saturday!

Good stuff:
- Eric helped me finish the garage Monday on his extra day off. All I had to do was cook him breakfast. :-)
- The camp kitchen is stained and put away. So is the rest of the camp gear. Finally. My dining room looks so big! I'll try to get a new pic of the kitchen all put together.
- The upstairs bathroom is primed. I'm going to give it another coat of white, mostly for the sake of the ceiling, before I break out the new color. Well, not new. It's in the other bathrooms, too, but it's new to that bathroom.
- Set up a story telling tag team gig with a Celtic band we like. I'm going to tell warrior queen stories and they'll play appropriate music at Tartan Days in St. Charles in April. Should be a lot of fun. And a lot of research. Those warrior queens are hard to find in the library stacks.
- Went over the first 5 pages of King Or Country (again) to enter it into a contest. I think it opens next week. Need to check the date. I can't decide if the changes I've made make the characters sound more English. I might need to drop some dialect words in.
- Had dinner with friends on Thursday and beer with Eric's co-workers yesterday. I actually found a beer I like. It's raspberry and tastes nothing like beer.
- Canned 8 pints of tomatoes today. The canner works a lot more efficiently with a new seal.
- Started learning Gaelic. I don't know why I feel like I have to try everything different all at the same time. Go big or go home? Yeah. That's it. (Oh, wait, I am home.)

Ambivalent with a side of potential stress:
- Mom called the other day. My stepdad has a 55 Chevy on consignment about an hour from here, and he wants to come get it before winter weather sets in. Of course they'll stay with us, and it will only be a night or two sometime this month. He hasn't decided when, but not this week. Maybe next week or the following. Nothing like having my timetable crunched to motivate me to get the house put back together!

Not So Good:
- I'm impatient to get the house done. I keep reminding myself that it's about the process as much as the result, but of course the little ADD girl inside me is whining about not being there yet.
- No writing. I skyped with my partner about weaving a symbol into KOC but I haven't done it yet. I seem to remember doing this last October, too.

This Week:
- Paint the bathroom and put it back together.
- Pack up the rest of Vicky's stuff and store it in the closet. Rearrange her furniture. If possible, do some painting in there, too. That'll depend partly on when Mom and Stepdad come. It might get put off, and I won't shed crocodile tears.
- Put a green house thingy over the back raised bed and plant the brussels sprouts out there. It would be nice to get a harvest this year, but I don't know if I will because I think I started the seeds too late.
- Read 1 and 2 Timothy for theme. I'm basing the novel I did research for in Newport on those books.
- Powerpoints for church.
- Get the contest entry finished.


Tammy Jones said...

So, so BUSY!! I don't know how you manage to do it all, but WOW.

I hope you enjoy your parents visit.

Go BIG!! Woot! {{huggs}}

SBB said...

Wow. You were busy! I'm impressed! Go, Wendy, go!

Jean said...

What a week!

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