Saturday, October 20, 2012

Wendy's week

The number of things not crossed off on my list for this week is more than the things crossed off. It's only one page. Some of the not-crossed-off things are partly done but not completed. Either this means I've been flitting too much, or I need to be more specific when I make my list so I can mark more things off. You guys always help me find epiphanies. ;-)

Good Stuff:
- THE BATHROOM IS PAINTED! Not done, completely. I need to do some cleaning and put stuff back in, but the worst is done. It looks so much better.
- Church Powerpoints are done for this month.
- Canned 7 more pints of tomatoes, 4 pints of chicken stock, and 3 pints of turkey stock. I'm still getting tomatoes from the garden, so I'm not done canning yet.
- Bought PVC pipe and had it cut to make a small greenhouse frame. Eric was putting it in for me this afternoon and discovered some of the fittings are the wrong kind, so it's back to the hardware store before we get it installed. We're going to look for an electric fireplace for our bedroom, too.
- I got the Brussels sprouts planted. Finally.
- The dining room looks big and empty. I have my camp table up in there, at least until after Thanksgiving. I'm kicking around ways to make the room more useable instead of a space that we just walk past and store holiday dishes in.
- Edited a romance for a friend.
- Collected some pictures to use for writing prompts for NaNo. That's all the prep I'm doing.
- Eric and I made a good start on converting Vicky's room to a guest room. Her stuff is all packed up and stored in the closet, her desk is in the garage awaiting pick-up. Now I need to touch up paint and hang curtains, maybe move some pictures from downstairs so the walls aren't naked.
- Took advantage of Eric's grad school to hit the Webster Univ library for warrior queen research. They file using the Library of Congress numbers instead of Dewey Decimal. Similar, but not the same, and not as browsing friendly. I found one book. That's the way of it with those elusive warrior queens. 

Meh stuff:
- I still don't know when, or if, my mom is coming. Worst case, I'll be ready way ahead of time for the Boys. (We now have 3 coming for Thanksgiving, BTW.)
- I bought a CD and book set to learn Gaelic, but it's not very user friendly. They use native speakers, but they rush through the lessons. I've done the first five or so pages three times already.

This Week:
- Do the cleaning I've been putting off.
- More warrior queen research.
- Find the rest of my pictures.
- Practice fencing.
- Read Timothy. Stop putting that off.

1 comment:

Jean said...

A busy week with good accomplishments. The only "epiphany" I can offer is, on your working list, make your tasks more specific. Kind of a "next action" thing. Ask yourself, "What's the next action I have to take to accomplish this goal?" That's your task. For instance, "Read Timothy." is fine for here, but on your list, you may have "Read one verse of Timothy" or "Read five verses of Timothy." (Whatever doesn't seem too overwhelming.) If necessary, "Open Bible to the Book of Timothy." Break it down into something so small, you know you can do it easily. Once you open the book, leave it somewhere you have to pass regularly or where you can linger, and read a verse at a time.

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