Friday, October 26, 2012

The last weekend in October...

I don't know where to start.

I finished the first draft of SPORE and it's out to pre-readers for good or ill. Due to an effort to avoid upsetting people we know, I had to change two character names at the last minute and screwed it up, since both names also happened to be parts of words and silly, rushed, me forgot to check 'whole words only'. Oh well, at least it wasn't sent that way to an editor. I truly hope the book doesn't stink, and that any tweaks are achievable. Keeping fingers crossed it'll be sell worthy soon.

I have 3 more chapter graphics to get done, but life, as usual, keeps getting in my way. Plus I have to read my friend Sammie's book she'd recently finished and I'm struggling to find time and mental focus.

Partly because I had strep throat last week - ended up in the weekend walk in emergency care clinic at the hospital because I was hacking up bloodclots. Since (again, silly me) I was trying to self treat a nasty sinus infection with OTC decongestants, I'd taken too many too often for too long, spiking my blood pressure seriously high and I received a Very Stern Talking To about taking too much sudafed. I am now forbidden from taking any decongestants without doctor approval. ANY. Which really sucks since I'm a chronic allergy sufferer and about the only help are little red magic pills.

Apparently the doc would rather I had sinus issues instead of a stroke. Whee. 

I have been 100% decongestant free since Saturday. Feels like my forehead wants to slide off, but otherwise I'm all right. Least my throat doesn't hurt. I'm seeing my regular doc next week and I'll talk it over with her, as well as stuff about the weight loss. 

That's going pretty well - down 6.8 lbs total since starting. Would have been more, but the antibiotics they gave me for the strep made me bloaty and constipated, and I went up .8lbs this week. It'll go down next week for sure!

Tracking has showed me that I pretty much avoid dairy (mildly lactose intolerant) and oils (a lifetime of watching fats) and this week I've been making a concerted effort to INCLUDE THEM. It's hard. Harder than tracking, harder than keeping at my point totals. I just don't do dairy and oil. But I'm trying. The check off boxes help.

Anyway, that's about it for me, I guess. I hope you all had a good week and are looking forward to a great weekend. {{hugs}}


Jean said...

When choosing between sinus and stroke, I'd take sinus. Hopefully, you'll find a more satisfactory solution.

SPORE is great. Love the chapter graphics -- and that they are their own story within a story while still expanding the manuscript horizons.

SBB said...

My cousin uses herbal remedies for her terrible allergies. She swears by ALJ Bronchial & Respiratory Support Formula. She's a singer, but can't take OTC meds because they dry up her throat and sinuses, which makes her sound different. Anyway, she says ALJ really works. Just thought I'd pass that on.

I've tried it before when I have a cold. It seemed to help, but it's not miraculous.

Tammy Jones said...

Thanks, Stephen! I will check it out. {{huggs}}

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