Saturday, October 13, 2012

More Errors

I'm thinking Blogger doesn't like the iPad. I'm sitting here doing laundry in preparation for beginning the trip home tomorrow. Hubby seems to have have had a good trip. We're preparing for getting togetherness with the lantern group tonight. Hubby has checked with the hotel, and they are ready for us. Our event is on the hotel schedule for today. We had dinner last night with one other couple attending, so we won't be alone with our sandwiches and fruit and veggie tray tonight.

We spread Hershey over three days instead of the usual two, and that seemed to work pretty well. Hubby found a few things. He's happy with the bounty from the trip. I'm pleased to have not found too much -- a pair of Fenton Thumbprint pattern tall candlesticks in Colonial Green. It's a common color, but for some reason, I don't think I have a pair in my collection. My other find was an antique metal adjustable swivel stool.

The week ahead brings the trip home, picking up the cats, getting my annual mammogram, and seeing what's happened with the feral kitten under the house and determining if we need to deal with the skunk I saw -- hopefully, it has moved on. Hubby hopes the feral kitten has moved on, but I'm less certain of that (we haven't discussed it, but I know that's his hope).

I'm looking at a beta version of a modified mind-mapping software by the Scrivener folks. It looks pretty cool.  Playing with my NaNo ideas on it.


Wendy said...

I was thinking about trying out that software, too, but I'm hesitant to get into another new thing that I'm eventually going to have to take a class for to get the full benefit from it. Does that make any sense at all?

SBB said...

You should get rid of your iPad. Say, you could give it away. Say, you could give it to me! :)

Glad you're heading home. I'll bet you'll be glad to get there. Doesn't matter how good the vacation is, I'm always grateful to get home.

Drive carefully!

Jean said...

Wendy, you won't need a class for this. It's really, really basic.

I'll keep that in mind about the iPad, Stephen. We had a great time with the lantern people tonight, and hubby told them we might not be back next year. Looking forward to getting home.

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