Saturday, October 20, 2012

Vacation Aftermath

We're home.

The Good Stuff:
  • For Library Thing's Early Reader's Program, I won a digital copy of a book about Kent State.  I moved to East Liverpool, Ohio, in 1975, and Kent State was always a big deal, and I didn't get why it was a big deal. As I understood it, college kid protesters (kind of like Occupy Wall Streeters today but with a little better understanding of what they were protesting) got out of line, National Guard was called in, something triggered shooting, and when all was said and done, there were dead and injured. I was never particularly impressed with hippy college protestors (which may explain why I've been even less impressed with OWSers), and yeah, it's not good that people died, but get over it already. That's been my attitude about this event that happened when I was ten years old living in Iowa for most of my life.  I'm glad to get the book, because maybe I'll get a more enlightened view of what happened.
  • We're home. Laundry is caught up.  Cats are home. The feral kitten we're seeing now is nothing like the little orange screamer we saw when we left.  I believe they are two different kitties.  I'm not sure if the little orange guy is still with us or not. The young lady (I say young lady, because she's orange, black and white, so I surmise she's a calico coloring, even though I'd call the coloring diffused.  She's gorgeous in her own way--see top of post for picture.) we're seeing all over the yard looks nothing like the other one, even though she looks approximately the same age (but it grew a lot in two weeks!).  She's watching us watch her.  She's drinking water from the water tower.  I believe she's eating the food I put out for her (and her brother if he's still around but not making an appearance).  She was under the side porch this morning, and I dropped a ball on a string.  She pounced on it (one quick kitty), then she got shy and wouldn't play.  Outdoor kitties, even young ones, are a lot more serious than indoor kitties who don't have to worry about where their next meal is coming from.
  • No sign of the skunk.
  • Scaffolding is set up to do scraping, sanding, priming, and painting on the dining room bump out on the west wall.
  • I'm going to call this a win -- weight was down .2 from when we left on vacation until when we returned (essentially stayed the same).  Once again, I stayed steady while traveling.
  • Water drained from the downspouts at the shop and didn't find its way into the building when we had rain over the weekend.  We haven't installed the new downspouts yet, but we have tried to keep the existing ones clear, and they allowed a huge volume of water to come off the roof, and it stayed outside.
  • Doing some character development for NaNo2012, Reunion.
The Not So Good:
  • Hubby's been wiped out since we got home.  Traveling takes a toll on him that he doesn't notice until he gets home, then he gets made because he's tired and has no energy.
  • Slow getting stuff put away from the trip.  Hubby complains when too much stuff is laying about, but if I put anything away, he complains because he can't find anything (is this a familiar no-win situation, or is it just me?).  Right now, he has lanterns sitting on PBOTL.  Fortunately, I need to focus on Reunion through the end of November.
  • I'm not going to finish the revision of PBOTL this year.  I'll reset the goal for next year.  It is coming along, though, so I can only complain about my pacing with working on the project.  Too inconsistent in effort expended.  Something to strive for improving.
  • Way behind on blog posts, but I doubt too many people are concerned about it.
The Week Ahead:
  • Gain some traction in getting things done.  I managed to motivate myself to vacuum the downstairs this morning.  I need to do the upstairs and the stairs. None of this stuff takes long.  I just need to overcome inertia.
  • Do character creation for Reunion this week.
  • Begin putting yard stuff away in the shed in preparation for winter
  • Do sanding on bump out when hubby is ready
  • Ride the bike.  My plan is to walk to the shop (about half a mile), ride the bike for 20 minutes, and walk home.


Wendy said...

Vacation hang-over is so hard to overcome. I'm glad you made it back.

The kitten is a beauty. Too bad you've got 4 inside already, but maybe there's a warm corner in the garage she could occupy in the winter?

Jean said...

I'm thinking more along the lines of a box on the side porch protected from the wind. This afternoon, hubby called me to the front door and pointed to the school parking lot, "There's your kitten." She'd walked purposefully across the street, across the parking lot, and up by the building. I guess she was tired of me bugging her whenever she laid down in the yard.

I can sit within about five feet of her. She's drinking the water. She looked up and meowed (soundlessly) at me this afternoon. I think she's been eating the food -- I haven't actually seen her doing that yet, but the food disappears. She's very observant. Probably wishful thinking on my part, but it feels like progress. I just hope she doesn't get squished on the street.

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