Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tis the season for seasonal allergies.

Actually, I don't think that season ever really ends. There's always something around to aggravate my sinuses. My problems worsen every year during harvest, especially soybeans. While the crops are all in, today the farmers are 'shaving' (I don't know what it's actually called, but the fields look shaved) their soybean fields and baling the stuff for animal feed. It makes a LOT of dust and, yep, my sinuses LOVE that.

Otherwise, things are pretty darn good.

Was down 2lbs this week at Weight Watchers. Have lost another pound since then, at least according to my home scale. I think the trick for me, currently at least, is water, water, water, and staying away from bread and pasta. Point appropriate or not, wheaty carbs make me bloaty.

Spore is excellent. I am truly almost done. All of the characters are in really tough places (scared and helpless but in completely different ways) and I will finish the book tomorrow or Monday. Seriously. It's awesome. Just have to finish the climactic explosion then write the aftermath and it's DONE. One agency in particular is very excited to see it, plus they loved Morgan and have stated they don't want me snatched up by anyone else. Woot!! If/when I can give more details, I will but I am very, VERY excited. I'll be sending it to pre-readers for critique next weekend (Jean's already in, so Wendy and Stephen, if you want to rip into my prose let me know) and I'm telling folks I need comments back in about 2 weeks, so by election day. That'll get the book to the agency mid November. I'm actually excited about it! Can't you tell??

The family's fine and it's possible that Bill might maybe be getting some more finalized answers about his job. It seems like it'll land one of two ways, neither of which will mean a reduction in pay or a forced move, so we're both really hopeful about that, too. Nothing's certain yet, of course, but still, it's the best postal news we've had in a long, long time.

About the only bump this week was with a very dear family member in Des Moines who just got diagnosed w/ diabetes. We know he'd been pretty sick for a long, long time and while this isn't great news for anyone, at least now he'll get treatment.

{{huggs}} all around. Have a great week!


Wendy said...

Count me in on the beta read!

I'm with you on the sinus issues. So far mine seem to be under control, but I expect I'll need my netti pot in the near future.

Great news on the job front. So glad things are smoothing out for you.

Oh, yeah, and good job on the weight loss! It's always good when you can pinpoint a food group that gives you trouble.

Tammy Jones said...

Thanks, Wendy! I'll send you a warning when it's about to hit your emailbox. ;)

I can have a *little* wheat - like one low-cal cookie thing doesn't seem to give me problems - but I expect that to change and make me totally eliminate wheat as I go through this getting healthy journey. I'm okay with that, truly, was just a learning experience how much it does affect me.

Wendy said...

A friend gave me a recipe for a gluten-free flour mixture that she uses for baking. Let me know if you want it.

Tammy Jones said...

I'd love it!

Trying not to bake, tho, because if I bake, I eat. ;)

SBB said...


Allergies just -- and I hope this language isn't too technical -- suck green swamp water. I take one allergy pill at night to help me sleep, so I do okay, all things considered.

Tammy Jones said...

Yep, Stephen, allergy and/or cold pills are part of my nightly regimen before bed. Rotten sinuses!! *tam shakes her fist*

I'll shoot Spore your way when it's done! Woot! #GoSpore!

Jean said...

Sounds like a good week, Tammy!

Wendy said...

GF All Purpose Flour Mix

2 ½ c brown rice flour
2 cups white rice flour
½ cup corn starch
¾ c + 2 T Tapioca starch
¾ c + 2 T potato starch
3 T xanthan gum

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