Sunday, January 27, 2013

Final 2012 Christmas

Had my final 2012 Christmas gathering this weekend. It started Saturday and ended today about 4:30 p.m. as the guests departed. I immediately started taking down the decorations. I finished five minutes ago. Everything is down and ready to be moved into the storage building except for the dismantled tree. I'll get out the box for it tomorrow morning and then my living room will be Christmas tree. Even the village is put up.

I love Christmas. I love Christmas cards, the carols, the midnight church services, and the cold clear nights. I love the decorations and my Christmas village. I also love seeing all my family and friends, even if the noise and sheer volume of emotions threatens to tear my head off.

But this looooong Christmas has worn me thin. I'm ready to withdraw into my cave with my characters and stories and not come out until spring. I just want to be alone in my house.

This will pass. Always does when I have an overload and need some quiet time. I don't understand people who live for parties and party all the time. I would go crazy.

Last week:
- Worked on Murder by the Mile.
- Finished, published, and mailed January newsletter.
- Wrote a letter to the editor and a ten-minute timed writing for the writer's group meeting yesterday. As part of my efforts to move the group toward more "writerly" meetings, we've been giving optional assignments at the meeting. Just quick prompts to prime their wells.
- Cleaned house in preparation for visitors.
- Household chores and errands.
- Lunch with a friend Wednesday.
- Writers group meeting Saturday morning. Good meeting about "Archetypes in Writing" by one of our best writers and poets.
- Roomie's grandsons spent Saturday night and today with us. Roomie drove them back home this evening.
- Took down Christmas village, tree, nativity, and boxed everything up except the tree.

This week:
- Finish putting away the tree.
- Household chores.

Hope you have a great week!


Tammy Jones said...

{{huggs}} glad you made it through.

MBTM!!!!! Woot!

Jean said...

PBOTL. MBTM. PBOTL. MBTM. PBOTL. I moved the pile to the kitchen table last night and got some work done for a change (Hubby usually commandeers the kitchen table when he's here, and I can't argue, because his desk is upstairs. Well, I could, but it wouldn't make sense.)

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