Sunday, December 15, 2013

*cue Darth Vader's Theme Song*

Things are, mostly, going well. We have enough and, in a lot of ways, that's pretty awesome. It's been a crazy week, tho. No, a crazy month or so, but I'll try to remain focused on this past week (ish).

Our anniversary was last Sunday. 25 years. Was an AWESOME day and a huge milestone.

However, all the celebrating urged me to eat too much and I gained. Again. Dangit. This week, tho, I have the Traveling Tracker (a tracker our leader has members take home, and its contents are then available to everyone else who brings home the tracker) so I've been really, really good since Thursday. Well, other than today. but mostly really, really good. lol In all seriousness, though, if I TRACK, I LOSE, so I am tracking. We went out for mexican tonight tho and I ate too much, point wise, but I'll let my weeklies suck it up since I still had them all.

My weight is still stalled, overall. As of this morning I was 9.6lbs above my low. It's totally my own fault. Well, mine and my stoooopid hormones. I've had cramps pretty much nonstop since before Thanksgiving and they're making me cranky. I have a Dr. appt on Thursday, tho, but she'll most likely tell me it's just one of those things I have to deal with until this aggravating menopause process is over. Bleh.

Since Bill's working about 15 or more hours a week in overtime (and he's exhausted!!) we bought a snowblower this week. I will, quite possibly, be the primary snow blower operator. Not sure how I feel about that, but it has an electric start and seems easy enough to use (I got to blow out the snow in front of the garage while Bill explained what to do and I did just fine), so we'll see.

I was going to sew today with my new sewing machine (1st time!!) but stuff happened, including a masseuse in my house beating on Bill. All of the overtime in sub-freezing weather is really wearing his body down. Today was his only day off so she came here today to loosen him up again. She worked on him about 2 hours. Seemed to help, but we'll see how he feels in the morning.

SPORE collected another rejection this week - that's 4 down, 5 to go. Agent and I also had a phone conference to discuss Morgan and I've been reworking the beginning ever since. When I can. It's tough to do, after long busy days, like yesterday I sold giant coloring books at the mall from 10am until 1pm, then babysat Sarah until everyone got home around 7, then supper, dishes, laundry, etc, all with virtually no sleep (oh, you totally amazing awesome hormones, how I enjoy your fantabulous symptomatology!! *sarcasm*) and I was just too tired and brain fried by the time the house finally quieted down around 11 or so so I didn't get to even look at it. Tonight, tho, I've worked some. Not as much as I should, but *some*.

Mostly I feel like I'm scrambling all the time, but not making much progress on anything.

As for the Darth Vader theme... It's not something I want to discuss in a public venue (I have no idea who's reading my various blogs) but feel free to ask. I think it might become my new theme song. ;)

{{hugs}} and happy week before Christmas!!

1 comment:

Jean said...

The snowblower will be very handy. Hugs on the stalled weight. Scrambling gets old really quickly. Hang in there.

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