Saturday, December 28, 2013

Land of Make Believe

Yes, this is the time to post what I'm striving to achieve for 2014.  Putting near utter failure for 2013 behind me, I'm redoubling my efforts for 2014.  Like Wendy, I'm trying to envision where I want to be next year and planning specific goals as measurable as possible to get there.  I'm not going to detail the specifics here -- generalities will be listed. 

I evaluated the major categories from previous years, and I plan to keep them the same:

Relationships, Health, Home and Property, Writing, and Other Obligations

For relationships, I'll continue to work on spouse, family, and friends.  I'm going to focus on quality time with Mr. L and calling my parents at least once a month. I want to be a good friend, and that varies with each friend.

For health, weight, fitness, and diet.  Stephen suggested a weight loss goal of one pound a month, and since one pound a week has resulted in a net gain of 20 pounds this year, maybe I'll try a more conservative goal.  I think weighing daily isn't working either, so I'm going to go for twice a month on the first and 15th.  I want to get my fasting glucose level below 100 and normal levels on cholesterol and blood pressure.  I've registered to participate in Lift's diet study for the month of January.  I opted out of letting them choose the diet (they're all healthy, but most of them aren't easily integratable with Mr. L's dietary preferences).  I think I'm going to choose Mindful Eating -- as I understand it, that's getting things right in your head, and that's where my eating problems lie.

For home and property, there are things to maintain and things to improve. Obviously, yard work is a focus.  There are several things at each property I'd like to see us get done, but most of them will require Mr. L to make it a priority, and he doesn't like to be pushed -- he has a timeline in his mind, and it shifts as new priorities emerge, so even if he tells me, it changes from one day to the next, so I'm better off letting him "drive the bus" for those things. I control yard work, housework, and decluttering of my things.  I'm developing measurable goals for those items.

For Writing, I'm going to continue incorporating Product Launch Formula principles into marketing my writing, writing more short fiction, revising my novels, and building my Fiction Club list.  I plan to continue the same blogging schedule.  I'm preparing short fiction for A-Z Challenge in April.  I still need to finish revising Polar Bear on the Loose, and I have several novels to work on after I finish that.

For other obligations, I have a few things to work on for Forward Motion, and, of course, though I don't think of it as an obligation, I intend to participate fully in our Createslate support effort.  I have a nagging sense I'm forgetting something significant in this category of an online nature.


Wendy said...

I stopped weighing myself daily. Actually, I've pretty much stopped altogether! I know I gained some over the holiday. I feel it in my clothes. Time to buckle down again.

Have you figured out what you were forgetting for the online one? ;-)

SBB said...

I've read that weighing yourself daily can be very discouraging because our weight varies a couple of pounds a day.

I think your plan sounds good! Although it needs to include a couple of visits to me! :)

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