Sunday, December 22, 2013

Rounding the bend

It's a mixed bag, as usual. I'm tired and looking forward to finally, FINALLY finishing this move.

Good Stuff:
- Alex graduated. It wasn't without drama. He waited until 3 p.m. the day before to get his cap and gown, and I had to go with him to pick it up because he didn't have the money to buy it. Also, I asked Eric to bring my toiletry bag, which I'd left upstate, instead of being smart and just packing stuff and taking it with me. He brought the bag, not realizing I'd taken out all my make-up and brush. I had a lens case, saline, and my toothbrush, and I went to graduation with a naked face. Also, we had 8" of snow overnight, and the snow plow piled snow if front of Alex's car, so we had to leave an awesome parking spot to go pick him up. I swear he's becoming the nutty professor. It wasn't all bad. There weren't as many people at the early ceremony (they had another in the afternoon), and I was told the winter graduations are smaller than the summer ones. For that reason alone I'd be happy if he walks to get his Masters in the winter, too!
- Dad and Linda followed me home and stayed with me for a couple days. They helped me eat the turkey soup, and Linda brought us homemade presents. Tammy, I'll have to send you pics of the microwave bowl holder she made. You put your bowl in it, nuke the whole thing, and you don't burn your fingers taking the hot bowl out. It's sort of a shaped hot pad.
- I took the kids out last night to celebrate Vicky's 21st birthday. We went to dinner and then to a Mother Grove concert. The front man and piper are 2/3 of Pictus, the band who's bard I am. I'd told them it was Vicky's birthday, so they brought her up on stage and had us all sing happy birthday in the most off-key way possible. It was great! I did assure her I wouldn't post the pictures on the internet. Sorry! Of course, she was pretty tipsy at that point, so maybe she doesn't remember that part. :-)
- I may be able to book a story telling gig in Indy this spring. The Mother Grove front man is also the entertainment manager for a new book store/microbrewery there, and he was very receptive when I asked if I could come. His fiancee even said I could stay with them.

Not So Good Stuff:
- Dragging out the move is starting to make me feel like my life is on hold. I'm stuck in no man's land between the old normal and the new normal. We'll be working out the logistics of moving the last of the stuff when we're all together this week.
- Took another load upstate Thursday and came back yesterday. I was not ready to come back.
- I learned today that the Boyfriend will be here for Christmas after all. I thought he was working Christmas, but the train yard is closed. He and Vicky are planning to come Christmas Eve after he gets off work. It's not a big deal. I have a present for him, but not a stocking, so I'll probably remedy that tomorrow. I just thought I was done shopping.
- I rescheduled the gig I had the day before Alex's graduation. The weather was forecast to turn ugly and I didn't want to wait until late afternoon to start. As it turns out, it was the right decision, but now I have to do it this week and am not prepared on top of everything else. OTOH, it's at a nursing home, and they might not remember (or care) if I tell stories I've already told. There's really no good reason to stress over this.

So that's what I've been up to, in a nutshell. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and I'll be back next week to do the year in review and set 2014 goals.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Personally, I prefer naked faces, and, for that type of social situation, a naked face is preferable to other forms of nakedness, so it's all good.

Sounds like an awesome week. Congratulations to Alex for graduation and to Vicky for attaining full legal adulthood.

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