Monday, December 23, 2013

The Song Remains the Same

Sitting in Panera downloading PLF Module 7.  The downloads have finished, and I'm getting caught up with online things I can't do easily from the phone that I don't want to chew up mobile bandwidth for either.

We're settled into San Antonio until the end of the year.  Wendy, imagine what you're doing stretched out to infinity (it seems that way), but we're at five years with no end in site.  I love both houses, but transitioning back and forth is annoying.  Inevitably, something we need gets left at the other house.

Mr. L got seats and stems replaced for the tub faucets.  We are no longer leaking five gallons of water a day from that source.  We're working on getting leaves and acorns raked and vacuumed this week.  That's what I'll be doing when I head out from here.  I got one half of the front yard done a couple days ago (the easy part), and the other half is up today and until it's done.  We'll do a cursory sweep, because there are still a lot of red oak leaves to come down.  Live oak leaves will start next month.

I'm still getting things set up on the MacBook Pro.  I love it.  Since I'm keeping the MacBook Air for now, I have to decide if I still need to get the new MacMini when they are released -- assuming that happens.  In theory, I could use the Pro as my main machine, but do I want to do that?  I'm thinking no.  I'm also considering shifting to an IMAP mail model, leaving my mail on the bluehost servers (or ATT or Earthlink, depending upon the source) and managing it there.  That will be a shift from my POP mail approach and consolidating most of it on my main machine while accessing it from several places. 

I'm still evaluating my goals for the new year.  I think I need to devote some time to that.  I am enjoying the Lift app.  I'm working three plans right now.  Three months to a new you is a plan focused on drinking water, squats, pushups, and jumping jacks.  My calves are killing me, so I've had to modify the plan, but I'm doing what I can with it.  Daily Decluttering has prompted me to get a few things done that I've been putting off -- most recently, diving under the kitchen sink and pulling out various cleaners that we haven't looked at in 20 years.  After pulling that out, throwing out the near empties and discovering two unopened containers of Comet cleanser, I swept out the shelf (ewwww), and placed the keeper items back in.  There's more to be done, but that was a start. This is a 30 day plan, and I plan to repeat it. The third plan I'm doing is Become A Writing Machine.  This, too, is a thirty day program.   It's had some interesting approaches, and I'm mostly enjoying it.  Lift offers a number of other plans, but there's something about most of them I'm not wild about participating in, but these three are resonating for me now.  Maybe others will at another time.

My doctor said I need to lose weight, and I agree with him.  He encouraged me to go back to Weight Watchers.  I'm still debating what approach I want to use.

Merry Christmas, Friends!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Ugh, I can't imagine doing this for five years. The hardest part for me, honestly, has been the separation from Eric. I can deal with the inconvenience of having things in the wrong place, although it's getting to be more of an issue as we move more things.

I've downloaded the Lift app, but I haven't done anything with it. The writing machine one sounds like it has potential. I shall have to look into that.

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