Sunday, December 29, 2013

It's that time of the year again

It's that time of the year again where I make goals that apparently have no basis in reality. I really thought I had a chance to reach the ones I made last year. And I did reach a few.

Last year's accomplishments:
1. I published the writing group's anthology: Creations 2013: 40 Ways to Look at Love. It looked nice. Had some good writing in it.
2. Conducted the writing group's meetings and was, I think, a fairly effective president. At least enough that they re-elected me for the next two years.
3. Redesigned my book website. It's ready for its own domain now, but money is too tight. Maybe in 2014.
4. Survived the whole heart "event" business. Not an inconsiderable achievement.
5. Published Red Bird Woman by Gail Wood. I think it has a lovely cover. I'm quite proud of how it looks. The poems are excellent. Gail will become well-known as a poet if she continues to pursue her writing.
6. And I had walked at the gym at least three times a week until the heart attack in August.
7. Wrote nearly half of the poems for Undying, which I hope I can finish and publish in 2013.
8. Published the family newsletter up until August. Published the December one on time at least.
9. Kept my bills -- except for the medical bills -- paid.
10. A handful of other minor accomplishments, but they count. Small pearls remain precious despite their size.

2014 Goals
1. Finally finish and publish Murder by the Mile. Or give it up completely. I'm tired of it hanging over my head.
2. Finish and publish Undying.
3. Slowly increase my physical activity so that I regain my health.
4. Start the DASH diet for my blood pressure.
5. Maintain my blogs.
6. Take care of my friends and family as best I can.
7. Take more photos. I love my new camera. I want to learn how to use it well.
8. Read the Bible all the way through.
9. Do the 52 Week Money Challenge again. I did it in 2013 despite all my bills.
10. Publish Creations 2014 for the writing group.
11. Be a good president for the writing group with programs that aid them in their writing goals.
12. Remember each day carries hope.

I think that's enough for now.


Wendy said...

I like the look of the money challenge. If we weren't recovering from the move, I'd do it backwards, I think. I might still. I did get some money for Christmas.

SBB said...

Wendy, I know several people who do it backwards. I'll see if I can find a PDF of it.

SBB said...

Not a PDF, but a printable JPG.

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