Saturday, December 7, 2013

First snow

We've got about 4" of snow on the ground with the possibility of more tomorrow.

Good Stuff:
- I've got almost all my boxes filled. It's getting increasingly difficult to figure out what to pack given the fact that we still have Christmas here. I don't want to pack what we'll need but I don't want to leave too much for the end.
- I got back to words. It's always tricky to get back into the story after being away.
- I made and canned 5 quarts of turkey stock plus about a quart of turkey soup for dinner that night. I have a lot left over, especially since one quart didn't seal.
- Alex graduates next Saturday at 9-freaking-a.m. It's a formality, really, since he'll be staying there to do his Masters. Dad and Linda are coming, and then they're coming back to the house for a few days.
- I was grousing about my "new" jiggly bits to Eric today, and it turns out he likes my jiggly bits. So for now at least, even though I weigh what I did when I delivered Vicky, I'm going to focus on maintaining. Once we get settled I'll look at some kind of self-defense class. I've kinda got my pick in the new neighborhood. He's not worried, the doctor's not worried, I guess I shouldn't be either.
- I'm hanging out with my praise band peeps tomorrow. We've heading to St. Louis to see Josh Wilson in concert. He and one other guy put on a whole concert with a couple dozen different instruments and a loop machine thingy. A couple of us saw him last year, and when our leader heard he was going to be back this year she bought tickets for everyone.
- I've done most of my Christmas shopping online, and have gotten them in and wrapped. I'll be able to ship my mom's this week.

Not So Good Stuff:
- I've been watching too much TV in an effort to have noise in the house. For some reason I want speaking voices rather than music. I guess I could listen to talk radio, but that's all political. (Note to self: we have Pandora on the Roku. Maybe they have talkies that aren't political?)
- It's been harder to stay on task without the accountability of Eric coming home each night.
- Eric can't take the week of Christmas off. He doesn't have enough vacation to take more than 2 days, so he's leaving after work Christmas Eve for the long weekend.

This week:
- Barding gig on Friday before I leave for graduation. Need to learn Christmas stories.
- Get the house ready for company. At least I have turkey soup.
- Write.
- Pack for the night away. 

Have a good week, y'all.

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