Saturday, March 15, 2014

Storm Front

Actually, I think the physical storm is going to miss us, but I'm feeling unsettled inside.  Certainly as a result of a couple of weeks on the road, an unknown water pipe status, and a generalized feeling of falling further and further behind.

We are back in Central TX, and Mr. L intends, I think, to take a look at the water pipe situation tomorrow, but we won't have access to parts to fix it until Monday (because he didn't want to deal with it on Thursday afternoon).  This is not a problem, because we store 30 gallons of water at the shop, and we brought 15 of them to the house when we got back to town on Thursday.  We were in Houston Friday and most of today, and we have bottled water for drinking.  We have enough water for, ahem, sanitary reasons.

Mr. L is finally getting a fire under him to tackle several projects he's been telling me he's going to do for some time, and it seems like he's going to try to do them all in the next week and a half?  Something isn't going to work as he hopes.  I will provide assistance as he'll let me, but, knowing how he works, I cannot see this happening.  This should be an interesting week, and much of what I might hope to do for anything I want to do is likely to be pushed aside.

Last week with Cat from Germany went very well.  I also met several How To Think Sideways classmates who reside in Texas (two in Dallas-area, one in Austin, and one in the Hill Country).  This was a treat.  They all came down to San Antonio to meet up with Cat.

Mr. L had planned to take his truck in for service on Wednesday, but he decided to do so on Monday instead.  Good thing, because he didn't get it back until Thursday morning.  It needed new tires, a new driver seat pan, and a new power steering pump (covered under warranty) as well as a few other sundry nitnoid items.  $1200 cost to him for non-warranty work -- $800 for tires; not sure what the remainder was for.

Lady had a few incidents, both times while I wasn't home.  Mr. L put her in the cage, and he didn't know who she was discussing things with.  Now that we're back in Central TX, she gets a chance to try again.  We decided not to board her for this weekend.  We left early Friday morning and got back early this evening. I just gave her her medication before we left and as soon as we got home.  I felt okay with leaving her in the cage for that period of time, and, thankfully, the other cats didn't mess with her food or water bowl.

This was a lousy writing week for me.  Because I was pre-occupied with making sure Cat was taken care of from Monday to Wednesday, Mr. L became extra needy and acted like I'd abandoned him.  I've noticed if I'm ever paying attention to anyone other than him he gets this way.  I do the best I can to make sure he's not really abandoned, but I can't change the way he feels, if, in fact, that's what's he's feeling.  It annoys me, but it is what it is.  It's probably not going to get any better.

I kept up with my 750 words daily entry, I downloaded a few videos from Holly's site, I did a little writing planning, and mostly didn't get anything of consequence accomplished. I piddled with a few of the A-Z entries.

I've been feeling queasy all week.  Not sick, but not well either.  I'm feeling slightly better today.

The Week Ahead:
  • Help Mr. L as needed to:
    • Repair the water line
    • Clear the showroom floor at the shop of all stuff so he can paint the ceiling
    • Anything else he needs
  • Get a haircut
  • Get the ranch ag exemption sheet turned in to the appraisal district
  • Begin working on taxes
  • Work on cleaning the upstairs floors
  • Work a little each day writing and revising -- even if it's only a few minutes
  • Begin reading my drafts and evaluating for future work.  Begin building a queue for work planning purposes.
  • Monitor Lady's progress and behavior


SBB said...

I don't mess with plumbing. I've tried three or four times to fix pipes around the house -- and I succeeded -- but the time and aggravation wasn't worth it. I'd rather have a plumber fix the problem and rob a bank to pay him.

Jean said...

I don't disagree with you. Very few things in this household are within my control, though, so I endure.

Tammy Jones said...

Bill generally does our plumbing fixes and such, but plumbing is BY FAR his least favorite thing to install or fix, at least with traditional pipe. He really digs the new, modern PEX stuff, though.

Tammy Jones said...

Glad you had fun with Cat and your HTTS friends! YAY!! {{hugs}} on most of the rest. It seems like everyone's out of sorts lately.

Jean said...

I forgot to factor in the hassles of cleaning up after dinner without running water. I got everything rinsed and ready to wash tomorrow after (hopefully!) we get the water back on.

Jean said...

Water is back on. I think. What a job. Instead of capping the pipes, Mr. L installed shut-off valves, which should make it easier to re-plumb when we're ready to get that bathroom installation finished. The break is in the wall between the piping for the tub and the sink. When the time comes, we'll probably install "real" pipe into the bathroom from the shut-off valves (since we'll have to tear out the interior bathroom wall anyway). We'll also do some insulation work between now and next winter to keep pipes in the porch roof area warmer.

Dishwasher is running, and I have a load of clothes in the washer.

SBB said...

Congratulations on getting running water! Civilization returns! :)

Jean said...

You cannot believe what it's done for my state of mind!

SBB said...

I think I can. We lost power and water for nearly a week during the ice storm of 2008. I nearly went crazy. The loss of water was harder than the loss of power (we had a generator). When the water came back on after two days, I nearly wept with joy. Seriously.

Jean said...

I believe you can. Even though I had plenty of water in containers, and I could have heated some on the stove and hand-washed dishes, I did not like that solution. The second load is running in the dishwasher now, and the sink is clean again. :D

Wendy said...

Hallelujah! Being without the minions is hard. We had water all through our kitchen remodel except for the kitchen sink/dishwasher, and that was hard enough! Glad things are getting back to normal.

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