Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Better late

I meant to post, Wendy! Really I did. I just forgot. But I've been busy. Does that excuse me?

Here's what I did last week.

Writing: Worked on Circles, Murder by the Mile, and Debt Free At Last: A Beginner's Guide to Money Management. Sent Darkness, Oklahoma off to another agent. Worked on my family newsletter, the August issue. Yes, it's running late, but I should send it out Wednesday or Thursday. Worked on The World of Kiegarth: The Vampire Sanction, the first real adventure in my new fantasy role playing world.

Health: Walked two miles and rode the recumbent bike 10 minutes each weekday. Been hard to do that 10 minutes, but I could see improvement. Slowly does it, but eventually I'm going to surprise everyone. Including me.

Clutter: Selected more books to sell in the garage sale I'm planning for October. Was going to try to have one last weekend, but the scheduling just didn't work out. Going through my CDs and DVDs next. And then my crafting supplies. Trying to cut back to essentials and things I really love.

Life: Continued to take the Vitamin D and drink my green tea and get out in the sun. The cooler weather helps my spirits immensely.

And that's all I did. When I write a lot, there's no time to do much of anything else. Hope things are going well for all of you this week.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Our weather is a bit cooler this week, too, and it DOES have a positive effect on my spirits as well.

Your walking and biking is paying big dividends. Keep up the good work!

Sounds like good progress on the writing, and October sounds like a good month for a yard sale -- the weather should be much more welcoming.

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