Saturday, September 3, 2011

Week 35

Thirty-five weeks out of fifty-two in the year.  And all is well.  At least for me, personally, but things are still troubling for others.

Polar Bear on the Loose - I worked to add conflict to a couple of the weak scenes.  Not a lot of progress, but at least a little. - I missed writing on the first.  Plumb didn't get to it, then I forgot about it in the evening.  I blew an almost three month streak this time.  Sigh.

Internet Responsibilities - Pretty much the bare minimum there.

Pets - Everyone is doing well. 

Property -
We're in San Antonio.  I'm working on watering the lawn and weeding.  Hubby is working in the driveway, digging the trench to mark the next boundary for digging out and laying brick.  Once he gets the boundary laid, he'll be digging up two layers of asphalt and about a foot of gravel to get the driveway down the level he needs for laying the brick.  It will be gorgeous when he's done with it.

Health -
- Finally.  I've achieved a new low and have one pound to go until I reach my next goal.
- I'm no longer lugging 8 extra bags of flour around. (YAY!) I am, unfortunately, still lugging around 18 extra bags of flour.
- I saw the podiatrist on Tuesday, and he ordered the bone growth stimulator and a boot for my foot.  I drove up to Austin yesterday to meet with the company rep and learn how to use the device.  I'll use it for the next two or three months while wearing the boot to immobilize my foot.  I hope it works, because the boot is really messing up the alignment of my knee and lower back.  Some days, I feel like I'm disintegrating.
- I am easing off the Aleve.  I'm not sure how well that's working.


Tammy Jones said...

{{huggs}} especially on the 750 words and your foot. Sounds like everything else is all right, tho.

Congrats on being only 1lb away from your current goal! That's freaking AWESOME!!

SBB said...

Wow! Only one pound away! Awesome! I'm so proud of you!

What do you write about on

Wendy said...

Yeah on the 8 bags of flour you've lost!! I'm so proud of the progress you're making, especially with a bum foot and knees. It sounds like you and Natalie are on the same page again.

Good job on the conflict. I know it's hard--I'm right there with you!

Jean said...

Stephen, it's mostly a daily journal entry on, but it can be a to do list, a list of things I got done, things that frustrate me, and sometimes ideas about the current or future story I'm working on. It's anything that pops into my head until I get the words done.

Thanks, everyone.

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