Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 10 tambometrics

I'll try to keep this short.


How about them Cubbies?

Not a whole lot has changed, I guess. We're managing with the super-low food budget and I've discovered that happiness and security, at least for me, is dependent upon Viva paper towels.

I love Viva Select-A-Size. They scrub. They wipe. They dry things off. They polish. They even have a super-soft side that doesn't kill my nose if I need an emergency blow. They're also rather pricey. I was down to my last roll, was rationing them as if they were more than just fluffy hunks of processed paper, but, oh, that cardboard core was coming and how could I get through a kitchen cleaning stint without them?

Que Bill to the rescue. We were at the store to get milk and, as we're heading to the checkout, we're walking down the paper products aisle and I pause to examine the super-cheapy paper towels because, well, I only had maybe half a dozen half-sheets of Viva left. I don't like cheapy paper towels, they just turn to mush and fall apart waaaay too fast (hence my undying adoration of Viva), but Bill looks at me all perplexed and asks me what I'm doing. I explain I need paper towels, almost out. He motions down the aisle and informs me that 6 packs of Viva Select-a-Size are on sale for seven bucks. I shake the 'food money' pouch at him and remind him it's not in the budget. My darling hubby then rolls his eyes and grabs them anyway, informs me that it'll take three times of the cheap ones, and that, at three times the cost of the cheapos, the Viva's are a bargain, and screw the budget, he'll spend his own 'allowance' on paper freaking towels. Which he did. I spent less than 5 bucks on milk and laundry stain remover. Bill blew most of his allowance on paper towels. For me.

And you know what? My mood became a whole lot better and has stayed that way. I have plenty of paper towels, therefore everything will be okay. How screwy is that? lol I'm still foggy and 'stupid', though. I don't like not being able to think. Bugs me. I keep losing things and forgetting things, but, by golly, I can clean my microwave. ;)

We're all hanging in there. The posty office has been making Bill carry mail, so at least he's not sitting around bored and grumpy all day. Laura is very bored, but we're trying to send her out of the house to run errands when they need run. 

We have had no showings since late July despite the price reduction 2 weeks ago. We're having an open house next weekend during our community yard sale, I'm making a LOT of free cookies, and we're all hoping someone will come look at it.

I've been doing EA Sports Active 2 for a bit more than two weeks now and while it's not totally kicking my butt as bad as it was, it's still not easy. I have more energy and less overall joint pain, but haven't had much movement on the scale.

Everything Else
I really should sew, but it seems like too much effort to drag all the stuff out only to put it all right back again. I don't want to do much of anything, honestly, but at least I'm not bawling all the time anymore.

That's about it for me. Happy mid September, happy writing, everyone!!  {{hugggs}}


Wendy said...

Viva la Viva! I love the select a size, too. So now we all know what to send you for Christmas! What a great guy you have.

I'm glad you're done crying. Personally, I think you should get some sewing out. Yeah, you have to be ready for showings, but if no one is looking, what harm will it do to add ten more minutes to your polish and dash? Heck, throw a pretty table cloth over an end table and stow your sewing stuff under it when the realtor calls. Maybe the new buyers are waiting for you to get in the middle of a project! Sew something fun, and send Laura to the store for milk and paper towels. :)

Jean said...

What a Super Hero. Yay, Bill.

Tammy Jones said...

Isn't it weird how something so simple can be so important?

Thanks, guys. {{huggs}}

SBB said...

Bill sounds really cool. I'm glad he's in your life.

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