Sunday, September 11, 2011


Here's my roundup.

Mostly spend last week getting ready for the weekend role-playing event "Brave New World: The Vampire Sanction." It went okay. I made $45 from fees, which was nice and unexpected. I had too many puzzles and not enough action, but still, everyone seemed to enjoy it. I just thought the pace lagged a bit.

This coming Saturday I will be signing (and selling) books at the Chisholm Trail Book Festival. Hope the Festival draws a lot of people. It's the second year for it.

Also, starting tomorrow, Writing Comes First. Which means I will write before I do anything else (chores, watch TV, read, etc.) in my day, unless it's a doctor appointment or an emergency. If I really want to be a writer, then I'm going to have to choose to write. I need to finish Murder by the Mile. Got to so I can move on. And sell it for a bit of money. Cash is tighter than squeaky.

Added machines to my exercise routine at the gym. Now I'm walking 2 1/2 miles a day, riding 10 minutes on the recumbent bike, and doing 20 reps on the curl machine. Going to hold at that for two or three weeks until I adapt -- I've been barely able to function after going to the gym so I need a bit of time to let my body adjust -- and then I'll add another machine focusing on upper body strength.

Still having trouble sleeping. Very annoying.

Well, being busy has kept the Black Dog Gang mostly at bay. That and plenty of green tea, Vitamin D, and sometimes a bit of caffeine in the morning.

That was last week, and now we're done with Sunday and heading for Monday. Hope we all have a great week.

1 comment:

Tammy Jones said...

Wow on the exercise. Just Wow.

Congrats on having a good game, and {{{HUGGGSSSSSS}}} on the rest. In time this too will pass. It WILL.

In the mean time, keep up the Vit D ;)


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