Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 17 tambometrics

Another week, another post ;)

I actually wrote a whole paragraph this week. Go me! ;)

In other writing news, M received another declination and my agent has sent it off to two other publishers. We talked on the phone earlier this week about making the book more palatable to editors and he's going to go through it again and give me some suggested changes to make it more 'straight fiction' as he called it, which would open up a LOT more potential publishers and editors. I think that'd be great!

I'm also letting an idea for a Dubric/Lars short stew in my brain - a serial rapist who leaves calling cards (actually blue dice) in the vaginas of the girls he rapes. I have the opening scene riveted in my mind just don't know where it'll go. But I don't think it'd be novel length, so that's good.

More fun posty news. Bill is no longer allowed to carry mail because the clerks are supposed to do it instead. The last sorting machine was unplugged yesterday, so he's now sitting. And sitting. And sitting. Whee. He is, however, taking a few days off to go on a fishing trip with a friend. It'll do him good to get out of the house and unwind a bit.

Echo got spayed this week but Peanut was too small. We'll probably have her done next month. Gozer had a seizure yesterday - VERY scary - so there's been some pet drama. They're all just fine now, though. :)

Open house was today, along with cold, windy, almost-rain-sputtery weather. Three sets of people looked at the house. They all liked it a lot, but I dunno if any will actually be interested. 

Sales here totally die off in the winter - which is understandable - so we're going to pull it off the market  and maybe refinance since interest rates are so low, if it hasn't had an offer (or at least a definite uptick in showings) by mid October so we can get this done before snow falls and the baby comes. We currently have a 15 year loan (12 left to go, sigh) and refi-ing at a 30 year with current rates will save us about $300 a month. That'll come in handy with a baby in the house. We'll have to re-arrange things again since we'll be pulling all of our stuff out of storage, so we've been talking a lot about all of that.

Still doing the EA Sports Active 2 but I missed one day this week (Wed) due to just life. Too many distractions, especially with getting the house ready to go and working with agent and and and and and. But I'm all right with missing one day in three weeks. It's not perfect, but it's pretty good for me. It's moving to 'the next level' on Monday. Hopefully I'll survive. :p

No change in the scale, but, today, while scrambling around town taking Echo in to get her sutures looked at and an errand and all the other life nuttiness, Laura and I stopped at Hardee's. I had a burger and onion rings, and, maaaaan, my gut and head and everything did NOT like that! Been eating too healthy for too long and it just didn't sit right. Had a salad for supper, so I feel a bit better now. I think I'm trying to catch a cold, tho, but with all the water I'm drinking (and I added in OJ tonight) it shouldn't hit me too hard. In theory. ;)

Everything Else
I think that's enough. I'm still rather foggy, but I'm getting things done. Not as much as I'd like, but who does? ;)



Jean said...

Bummer to Bill about no longer being allowed to carry the mail. Yay for a fishing trip with a friend.

That should work fine for Peanut and Echo -- spreads the cost out for you. :) I hope Goz is doing better. Seizures are scary.

Sounds to me like you're doing great with EA Active 2 (Is it significantly better than the first version? If so, in what ways?)

Nothing like going off eating healthy to remind you why you changed your ways.

Sometimes there are other terms for mortgage financing than 15 or 30. There's a company advertising in San Antonio for a "yourgage" that claims to tailor the term to meet your needs. I'm not sure what's involved or it it might be better than extending out the full 30 (thinking there may be a "sweet spot" term between 15 and 30 that might work at least as well, but I"m not sure).

Tammy Jones said...

I'm not sure either, Jean, but when I talk to Dianne (our mortgage go-to-gal at the credit union - I'll see what she suggests.

As for the Sports Active 2, I think it's harder, or at least more intense, and I like the motion sensors a LOT better. There's one on the left arm, and right leg, and they're independent of the hand-held Wiimote. They also don't slip. Also, the arm one keeps track of your heart rate, which is interesting to watch. It also is more 'competitive' since pretty much all of the running activities you're up against the trainer or other digital people and, for me at least, it makes me push harder. I don't like to lose. All that said, the 'core' activities are HARD, HARD, HARD!! Leg lifts totally suck.

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