Sunday, October 9, 2011

Another fast week

My boss is out of town again (yes, she's been doing that a lot this year) so I've been working more. Consequently, there hasn't been much done around here.

Writing: A little snowflaking (that's only a verb to writers), and I went to an ACFW chapter meeting in St Louis yesterday. It wasn't very productive, but I'm making contacts and getting out with people.

Clutter: Um, yeah, cuing crickets.

Health: Weight is holding steady despite Vicky's cookies and our dinner date in St Charles that included Peanut Butter Thunder. (Triple layer chocolate cake with PB frosting, so named, at least in my opinion, because of what it does to one's thighs.)

Misc: I can't really think of anything productive I did this week, aside from going to work. Everything else was routine stuff. I have noticed I'm getting irritated with people a lot easier lately--yelling at people who drive slow, trying unsuccessfully to ignore the lady fidgeting in front of me in line, etc. It's irrational, and I'm not sure about the source. It's not the weather. Might be the constant sinus pressure wearing me down. All I know is I'm better off in isolation most days! That's not all bad, really, since I have a little over two weeks to get ready for NaNo.

1 comment:

Jean said...

I think I gained three pounds just reading that description (just coming off two weeks of driving and eating in restaurants had NOTHING to do with it, I'm sure).

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