Saturday, October 22, 2011

Beautiful day in the neighborhood...

It's sunny, warm, and not too windy, and so far *knocks on wood* I'm headache-free for the first time in a week.

Writing: I'm wrestling my NaNo plot. It's about half done, disaster #3 (the biggie) is set up with notes on written to move things along, so I'm pretty pleased. It needs to be cohesive in 9 more days so maybe I can avoid the muddle in the middle this year and actually finish the first draft.

Clutter: I moved some things around, but that's about it.

Health: The headache was the main thing this week. It started as a migraine at work last Saturday. By Tuesday it was beaten back but lurking, waiting for moments of weakness. Yesterday it was mainly sinus pressure. There's a little pressure today but so far, so go. I have a lot of yard work to do this weekend, so I don't expect that to last. We supposedly had a freeze the other night, but I don't think it was hard enough to kill the ragweed. It won't stop me from trying to get the mums and lilies planted and the rain barrels drained. I'll brave the pollen to get the exercise and sunshine. I have Excedrin and Feverfew stock-piled for a reason!

Misc: About the only other excitement is I bought a 2 quart crock pot. I had a 4 quart already, but every time I made dinner in it, I made way too much, and we only need so many leftovers around here! The two quart is just about the right size for the three of us, and it should be fine when Alex is home. We usually feed the 3 of us with enough left over for lunch the next day, so it won't take much to bulk it up a little to feed the 4 of us well. I'll reserve the 4 quart for when company comes or for making spaghetti sauce.


Tammy Jones said...

All in all, it sounds like a pretty awesome week, Wendy (other than the allergy stuff).

Enjoy your flowers and crock pot! ;)

Jean said...

It does sound like a pretty good week.

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