Wednesday, October 12, 2011

On my mind

I've not forgotten to post on this blog -- I just haven't done so. Not because it hasn't been on my mind. It seems when I think of things to post, I'm not at my computer -- or my computer is broken -- and when I'm at my computer -- and it's working -- I'm blank.

Anyway, here are a few things.

I continue to walk at the gym, either alone or with friends. I like talking to my friends, but I think I have a better workout when I'm alone. Still, I need some sort of social life. I think I could withdraw completely from the world if I had the chance and could feed myself.

Had to reload the system and all my programs. It's been a long, hard haul. Friday last week was the first day that I could actually do some work on it. Still have a couple more programs to load. It's been buggy, but the last rounds of updates seem to have settled the system. My fingers are crossed, which does make it hard to type.

Had a garage sale Saturday. Did okay. Refused to let any of the leftover garage sale items back into the house. I actually have a bit of space in my bedroom closet and the front closet. I was able to hang some coats in the front closet for the first time in years. And I have reduced the clutter in the back bedroom considerably. In fact, the bed is almost cleared off back there. I could do more, but much of the stuff back there is my roomie's, and he is ... ah ... resistant to giving up things. He had strong hoarder tendencies. I have to gently coax him almost an item at a time. I'm not good at patience or gentle coaxing, so this probably good for me, but it's sure slow. Still, we're making good progress, and I appreciate his efforts. In a month or two, we might even be able to let a guest sleep there!

Not going to have any more garage sales this year. Have had three, but plan to have more in the spring. Depends on the weather, I guess, and how poor I get!

Took several coats down to the local charity thrift store. They were thrilled to have them. They're going to get more of my leftover garage sale items.

Must we? Sigh. Okay, not much. Been trying to work out my plot for NaNo, but not having much luck. Got to have an outline. I've tried writing without one, and it's too hard for me. Need to know where I'm going and a few places to visit along the way. Intend to spend more time on it this week.

Behind on my posting on my blog. Behind on my offline journal. Don't ask about Murder by the Mile or I might start raving.

I remain stalled on MBTM. I've written and rewritten and changed murderers and changed plots to the point that it's a swamp of a story. Every time I think I've found the narrative thread, it gets lost in the tangle of dangling plots and unmotivated characters. I know there's a story in there, maybe the best story I've written so far, but getting it out into the open is proving to be a challenge. Oh well, keeps me off the streets and out of the explosives lab.

NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles is back on. Like both shows a lot. Also, watch the Big Bang Theory. And -- don't tell anyone -- Glee, although I can't stand most of the plots and characters, I do like the singing. Another guilty pleasure is Ancient Aliens; I get such a kick out of those guys.

Anyway, that's catching you up a bit. I'll do better in the future. Really I will.

1 comment:

Jean said...

To a certain extent, you just need to get MBTM written. Then you have something to revise and make work. It sounds like your sense that you have "maybe the best story I've written so far" may be paralyzing you. Let the story out and be what it will be.

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