Saturday, October 8, 2011

Week 40

Forty weeks into 2011!  That means only 12 (!) weeks to go in this year. 

Granite Hill - I worked on it a few days this week.  Lots more to go before the first of November, but I'm enjoying these characters.  They have an interesting background and some interesting motivations.  Sooner or later, the story will come together. - I got the writing done each day

Internet Responsibilities - Just a few FM duties. 

Pets - No news here.  Looking forward to picking them up on Thursday.  Hubby and I both miss the critters.

Property -
We've been out of town, so we hope everything is just as we left it.  It appears Texas will be getting some rain, so we're pretty excited about that.

Health -
- Weight was up a little over a pound this morning, and the measurements were more or less steady.  For being on the road, I'll deal with that.

Other -
- Hubby found a lot of things at Hershey.  I realized we are now building a gas station.  Sigh.
- I actually found myself enjoying my "mule" role on Wednesday (shuttling stuff back to the truck so hubby could keep looking).  Weather was gorgeous all week.  Just the right temperature to be comfortable.
- We walked a little over six miles the first day, six and a half miles the second day, and seven and a half miles the third day.  We were back at the hotel by four each day and in the hot tub and pool before five.  I took some Tylenol around 11 am on Friday, and that helped stave off some of the pain.  I definitely had more pep in my step at the end of the day on Friday than either of the first two days.  Thursday was my worst day there.  I was kind of grumpy on Thursday.
- Hubby's lantern gathering went well tonight.  We only had about a dozen folks this year -- a few less than in previous years, but they all brought great displays, and it's fun to talk to them.  I get to photograph everything so hubby can concentrate on having fun and swapping stories with his fellow collectors (I prefer this -- I don't have to figure out how to make small talk, even though I know most of the people and like chatting with them).
- Hubby will figure out how to get ALL THIS STUFF into the truck in the morning, then we'll be on our way, heading for home.


Tammy Jones said...

Sounds pretty awesome, Jean, glad you're having more fun than you expected and that your knees and feet are cooperating. :) Super congrats on the walking! That's a LOT! Woohooo!!!

Send some of that Texas rain our way. We're incredibly dry.

Tammy Jones said...

What's a lantern gathering?

Jean said...

Hubby writes and publishes an international newsletter for kerosene lantern collectors. He has quite a few subscribers in the Northeast, so when we're up here, we rent a meeting room in the hotel on Saturday night, have the hotel furnish a tray of sandwiches, cheese and crackers, veggies, and water and invite any of the 100+ subscribers who want to show up to join us and talk lanterns. We usually have between 10-20 folks show up. They bring lanterns and lantern-related stuff, display it on tables, and gab for a couple of hours. I take pictures, and hubby devotes at least the next issue (sometimes the next two issues) to sharing pictures of what everyone brought and some information about it. We've been doing it for the last 11 years. It's a lot of fun.

Tammy Jones said...

That does sound fun!!

Wendy said...

So glad your knees and foot are cooperating. It sounds like you're having a lot of fun despite this being more *his* vacation. ;)

Wendy said...

So glad your knees and foot are cooperating. It sounds like you're having a lot of fun despite this being more *his* vacation. ;)

Jean said...

My assessment of the effectiveness of the injection was that it seems like it will work for a specific event, but I don't think I'm going to get long-term pain relief out of it.

We wandered through several shops in Monroe, LA, yesterday that had stairs, and my knee was complaining pretty loudly that it did not like that. (Stairs actually helped my "bad" left knee to feel better -- they seemed to strengthen my leg muscles enough to reduce some of the load on the knee).

I've not done the recumbent bike in several months (summer), but I think it's time to get back to working out on it.

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