Saturday, October 1, 2011

October 1 tambometrics

It's October! Whoa.

Still no new words of fiction. I've blogged, though. I guess that's something. M is still at two publishers and there are no notes for changes from my agent yet. Been trying to ease out of facebook - I'm starting to think I might just abandon the main feed page, but maintain my author page - and I'm on Google+ and Twitter a lot more than FB now. 

Bill and I talked at length about my writing, and, well, I'm still deciding how to proceed.

My desktop puter is back and operational, so I need to get back to work. Somehow.

Just got most of my stuff back today (I think everything but my quilty books/mags and my cutting table). I have so much sewing to do, it's insane. Baby on the way!!! And Laura wants a black quilt, but can I find black batting... Nope.

Bill and I have decided to 'move on with life' instead of sitting around waiting for the posty office to make a decision, or for the house to sell. Today we started moving some things back into the house (including my desk, the baby's crib, and most of my sewing stuff) so I got to set some things up today. Was kinda nice.

Pets are all good, but I think Goz might have an ear infection. Maybe. He shakes his head sometimes, but, then again, it might just be all the harvest pollen/dust itching in his nose or something. We're going to the vet on Wed (vet's out of town until then).

Still no looks at the house. We haven't had a real tour since July.

Down 6 lbs. Haven't missed any more days with EA Sports Active 2, but it's really kicking my butt. Bad. It leaves me exhausted for hours and it's just gonna get harder. Knees HURT and all the squats are awful (especially since I physically can't get as low as the thing wants me to, and it won't 'register' them so they take even LONGER) and all the jumping is killing my poor messed up right foot. I might 'go back' to restarting it and work back up again. I dunno. I'll keep doing something for 30 min 4 days a week, tho. I must. I'll be taking care of an infant soon and I need to have some energy, not this constant exhaustion.

Everything Else
All in all, it's going pretty well, just kinda overwhelmed. Soon, tho, I can sew and it'll get all kinds of better. :)


Wendy said...

I'm so glad your sewing stuff is back. Maybe with Halloween around the corner you'll be able to find the black batting. I didn't even know they made that.

Going back to the beginning of the EA Sports sounds like a good idea. If it hurts and leaves you exhausted, you need something gentler.

Tammy Jones said...

Thanks, Wendy.

Yep! I make a lot of black quilts, so I generally have some black batting around, but it's all dinky pieces.

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