Sunday, April 13, 2014

Here We Are

Not surprisingly, time is still flying.  We're back for another week. And this is three weeks in a row where I feel uncharacteristically optimistic.  What is wrong with me! I can only attribute it to the new habit of jotting down three positives and why in my 750 words entry each day.  Nothing else has changed. 

I am mildly concerned about Mr. L.  He's long complained about not sleeping well, but he's been fighting this nasal congestion for seemingly months with no relief.  It seems like it's centered in his sinuses.  He refuses to believe he could have any allergies.  He's not sleeping well. He's always tired, and he doesn't have much energy -- approaching how he was feeling before he had his stent installed, but his cardiologist can't find anything wrong.  He's heading to SA this week for an eye appointment and an appointment with his cardiologist about another matter near the end of the month.  I'm encouraging him to get an appointment with his regular physician between those two appointments to see if they can ferret out what's bothering him now.  I think he plans to do this (he's good about going to his doctor when he needs to, and he trusts his doctor, so this should help).  He's napping now, and it's 11 am.

I think this will be the week I retire my larger size jeans with hopes of putting them in the next yard sale.  The larger size feels too "flappy." The next smaller size feels about right.  I hope I don't have to stay at this size for too long, because these jeans are more worn.  I may have to move back down to XL T-shirts, too, because these are feeling a little "roomy."  I like these changes.  I don't have dramatic changes this week.  My body seems to be adjusting to where it's at now.  I'm still at 20 pounds lost since January and three inches off my waist since I started measuring in mid-January, because this week has been what seems like a maintenance week.  I'm on track for my goals.

I upgraded to Timesheeter Pro (the free version was limited to 10 entries, and, while I wasn't there yet, I know I like the app).  It works very easily, and I'm finding it helpful in feeling more professional about my approach to writing.  I've been working on Kitty City this week.

I plan to spread PBOTL out on the table while Mr. L is in SA to focus on revision work for the week and a half he'll be gone.  When he comes back, he should be bringing me a table I can use to keep my work spread out on behind where I work on the computer.  (He's picked out a table from the shop to take to SA for keeping his printer on down there.)  I anticipate this will help me work for regularly on revisions.

The free corner of stuff is all gone at the shop, so we'll start a new one for next year.  We hauled two trailer loads of mostly dressers to the city dump for the city wide cleanup day when the city lets residents dump for free -- a $160 value for us.  I love seeing the open space that created at the shop.  We have more to go, but this has been a good week.  I'll work on putting away the yard sale stuff while Mr. L is in SA, opening up the showroom for him to resume work on the ceiling when he gets back.

My sister got the job. An answer to my prayers (and hers!).  She starts on the 16th, I think.  I get the sense this is at a level below her last job, but there is room for advancement, and it is in her field.  The team lead who was in on the second interview was impressed with her QA experience, and I believe that will be where her opportunity for advancement will be.  So thankful.  Her unemployment benefits ran out at the end of March, so this was crucial for her and her family.  Besides, I've heard it's easier to find employment from a position of being employed, so even if this doesn't work out in a positive way for her, she'll be applying from a position of strength if she should happen to seek other options.

I purchased Spam Sieve.  It's still in learning mode, but it seems to actually learn, which was more than I could say for Mail.

The flossing diet has been going great.  My teeth (and me) are happier when I remember to floss every day.  The check box on Lift is just the reminder I need to make sure I get it done everyday.

The Week Ahead:
  • Mow at the store
  • Put away yard sale stuff and clear the showroom
  • Perhaps move everything upstairs at the shop to one area to facilitate Mr. L's plans.
  • Work on PBOTL revisions
  • Plan revamp of Things and email filing practices.  Neither seem right to me. Mail appears to have some capabilities I'm not using, and I'm going to explore them while I wait for an add-on to be revamped for Mavericks.  If I learn to use Mail's native capabilities better, maybe I won't need the add on.  At least I'll have a better idea of what I'm looking for.
  • Evaluate the apps I use and delete the ones I know I don't want from my devices.  Simple decluttering in the electronic sphere.  There's a term for what I do, and Mr. L would be disdainful -- it's called quantifying my life, but for some reason, I feel better when I can mark things off and track things.  Apparently, a lot of other people do it, too. It'll be our little secret.  Shhh.


Wendy said...

Sounds like you had a good week! I'm glad to hear you more upbeat. Tigger suits you! I hope adding to your workspace will be just what you need to figure out the book. That can be a long and tedious project.

Did Timesheeter Free store data for you? It doesn't seem to be for me. It's handy to have the clock to turn on and off, and I've been recording the time spent on my spreadsheet. It's a more accurate way of keeping time, but I think I must be doing something wrong. Chalk it up to brain fog.

Jean said...

Yes, it stored data for me just fine. Did you set up your projects and tasks? I used the book title as the project and "write new material" as the task. Once I did that, I tapped on Time Clock, tapped on the grey bar to select the project and the next grey bar for task, then the starts and stops worked fine.

When I check Statistics, I have to remember to select all the projects I want -- I use all, then the period of time (so far, 7 days), and it shows me a nice pie chart. I've backed up and restored the database, so I know that works, but I haven't exported to a spreadsheet yet.

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