Saturday, April 5, 2014

Deuces are Wild

It sounded good.  The week went pretty well.  Here's the good stuff. (I had plenty of grumpy sessions, but I must be in a more manic phase--yes, it will pass--lately, because I'm only remembering positive things, for the most part.)

  • Yard sale went fairly well.  A little over $100, but stuff we've been wanting to see go, went.  Yay.  And people who got it were happy to get it.
  • Most of our free corner is gone. The big concern were the three tires we had, but someone took them today.  I can put the arm chair out early for the trash, and I'll bet it will be gone before it's trash truck time (I'll pull it before the trash guys come, because I don't want them to have to deal with it the day before we could haul it to the dump for free).  We're already looking for more stuff to put in the corner for the next yard sale.
  • Mr. L's birthday went well, and he wants to do it again next year.  I heartily approve.
  • Mowed the yard today.
  • A-Z Challenge is going well. I need to write and schedule my "X" post.  It's called Xylophone, and all I have so far is a Fisher Price toy xylophone is involved.  The other 25 posts are done and scheduled.
  • I'm so glad I got the post subscription list created.  A few people are signing up.  Some have also signed up for the fiction club, too.
  • I came up with a variety of types of writing.  Most of the works aren't complete stories, but some complement draft novels and some are ideas that could develop into novels.  Mostly, I want to see what writing resonates with other people.  I'm not sure the Challenge is the best venue for that, but it's the best venue for bringing new people to the blog that I know of.
  • My knee has been pretty good this week, but there's something wrong with both of them.  Probably not anything anyone will do about either of them, though.
  • I wound up manually configuring the Mini.  Time Machine is virtually useless. A friend told me about an app called SuperDuper! that's highly rated, and I purchased it and am using it.
  • I also got fed up with Apple's lousy spam filter and am trying Spam Sieve.  I have the trial version, which will work for 30 days.  If I'm pleased, I'll buy it, too.  It's in training mode, now.
  • A high school classmate died unexpectedly this week.  I barely knew him, but still, he was only 55. 
  • I've lost 19 pounds since the first of the year and at least three inches off my waist. Very happy with that so far. I have a long way to go.
  • I began incorporating "three positives and why" in my 750 words writing eleven days ago.  It's supposed to help your overall outlook on life.  I wonder if I can attribute my overall upbeat mood when I sit down to write this missive to that?
  • My sister has been seeing encouraging signs that she may have a job soon.  If you're inclined to do such things, please pray this happens.  Her unemployment benefits ran out at the first of the month, and this would be a huge positive.  The best part is it's even in her field.
  • Stephen, you remain in my prayers that something positive that meets your needs will find you soon.
The Week Ahead:
  • Gather junk to load onto the trailer for Saturday's City Wide Clean Up effort.  This is the day they open the dump to city residents, and they can bring their junk for free.  We try to take full advantage of it, and this year, we hope to make two trips.  
  • My primary goal is to get rid of as much truly useless furniture from the shop as there is. I also want to get some rolled up rugs (they've all been wet, so they're clearly going to be no good) onto the trailer and gone as well. I can't tell you how many disintegrating pressboard dressers we have.  Nasty stuff. I have rolls of dried linoleum, but they're in a hard to reach place and will be the focus of another year.
  • We only have one mattress to load on the trailer this year.  Yay!
  • The second load, if we decide to do it, we hope to have more salvageable furniture to put on there.  What happened last year, while we were waiting in line for the dump, some people wanted some of the stuff we had on the trailer.  We gave it to them.  This load would be designed to be available to anyone who wanted it.  We noticed some of the dump guys holding good stuff out last year as well.  If it makes it to the dump, maybe they will know of a use for it if it's serviceable.  Either way, we want a lot of this stuff GONE from the building.


Jean said...

I changed the "X"post to "X" -- about a Granite Hill character.

Tammy Jones said...

Jean, other than the knee and the loss of your classmate it sounds pretty awesome, I think. Congrats on the yard sale, especially, and your sister and her job (I'm assuming those are the prayers that worked?)

Many {{hugs}} from all of us!

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