Sunday, April 13, 2014

Umm, yeah.

I think it's been a good week. I did stuff, but it's all a little hazy. Apparently, performing several times in a weekend really takes the wind out of my sails. It was Wednesday before I felt like I could get it together. I took several naps but didn't watch as much TV as usual, so I guess that's all good. It took until Thursday, I think, to get the van unloaded.

I'm in the process of figuring out how to post a video to YouTube. I started to do it the other day, got distracted, and have been procrastinating in hopes that I can concentrate long enough to not mess it up. When I have it up, I'll post the link on Facebook.

Eric and I did a double-feature at the movies yesterday. We saw Noah first. It was all right--about what I expected, based on the reviews. I didn't see anything anti-Judeo-Christian, but there was mysticism threaded through. My biggest gripe was how Noah got it into his head that they couldn't reproduce because man had messed up creation, and the reset would only work if men were all dead. There came a point where I wished he would just step off the ark and end it all. There's more, but it involves spoilers.

Captain America: The Winter Solder, OTOH, was pretty amazing. The story was well-done, but what impressed me more was that the eye candy stayed decently wrapped the whole time. No gratuitous butt shots, no naked chests preening for the camera, nothing more indecent than yoga pants. That made it a lot more palatable, at least for me. The final fight scene became a bit tedious. I don't know why they always have to run the clock out to the last second to save the world.

Between the movies, we walked across the street to a hole-in-the-wall barbecue place. Sooooo yummy! I haven't had barbecue that good since we left NC in 1998. They just about made the whole move worthwhile!

So that's the excitement here. What's going on in your neck of the woods?

1 comment:

Jean said...

I can believe that performing can really take it out of you. Build in rest to your schedule afterward and keep working on your fitness to increase stamina. Get plenty of rest both before and after.

Your assessment of the movies coincides with what I've heard as well. I'm looking forward to trying several new recipes while Mr. L is in SA. :)

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