Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Timesheeter Free

Per Wendy's recommendation, I'm reading TURNING PRO by Steven Pressfield.  Okay.  I get why you recommended it.  Totally.  Thank you.  He mentions the age-old line about 10,000 hours of investment before the work becomes worthy.

Wendy has mentioned tracking hours worked, and I know many others who do the same.  I've considered it before, but nothing's really handy when I sit down to work in a variety of environments.

Yesterday, I conducted a search on my iPhone App Store and found a highly rated gem called Timesheeter Free, and it looks like it will do what I want it to do. 

For grins, I figured out what my time is worth per hour, based upon my income and a 24 hour clock (no overtime for me).  It's a completely fictitious thing, but it may have some value at some point.  I can enter a variety of projects and tasks, then, when I'm ready to begin working, I tap the app, tap the time clock icon, select the project and task (or add one), click the green arrow to start the clock, and begin working. If I take a break, I tap pause, then tap the green arrow when I begin again.  Tap the red dot to stop.  I'm sure I'll forget at various points, but it claims to be exportable.  And, since I seem to respond to these types of self-imposed tracking systems in a generally positive way, maybe it will result in me working on more productive things than I have been to date.

1 comment:

Tammy Jones said...

I need to get back to tracking my time, words, or pages, it's just so hard to carve out space for them. Thanks for the App idea - I'll look into it! {{hugs}}

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