Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday Monday

I'm so glad to be back. Didn't think you'd see that for a while, did you? :-)

Good week at Mom's. Got caught up with the family and a friend from high school, who recently had bypass surgery. Yeah, that made me feel old, even though he's young to have heart surgery. We didn't really do anything special while I was there. Shopping, as usual. I didn't find much I wanted to buy. That's a sign that my "Do I love this enough to move it, probably twice?" mentality has become ingrained.

I didn't get any writing done, but I did get some research done. Sort of. We watched two WWI movies, one about American pilots, and the other about the Red Baron, so I got the war from both sides. They also had a decent representation of what common people wore in that era. That probably helped more than anything. Of course, it doesn't help me get back in the saddle, but I'd have to do that anyway.

It's supposed to rain on and off for the next three days. That means I'll get occasional breaks from my Velcro kitty. I was away too long for him, and it didn't help that Eric went on a church retreat over the weekend. They were only alone one night, but he's a little freaked out. Poor guy. Logic doesn't work with cats.

That's pretty much it. It was a low key week, too early in the season for yard work, but late enough that I didn't have to deal with snow when I was traveling. Cutting the distance in half made the drive a lot better, too. I'll try to wrangle YouTube this week, and I'll post the link where you can find it.

1 comment:

Jean said...

I suspect what you saw with those movies is marinating in your muse's soup, and something useful will come out of it. Glad you got good time with family. Poor Velcro Kitty.

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