Sunday, April 27, 2014

Stuck in the middle with you, and I don't know what it is I can do.

I can't say it's been a bad week - it hasn't - but I feel like I'm falling apart.

My Mutinous Cyst has decided to up the ante and start causing discomfort. I hesitate to call it pain, because it's really not painful, exactly, more pressure and heaviness and something in the way when I move, unless of course something (or someone - I'm looking at #TheToddler here) slams against it, then it's definitely painful. The latest ultrasound - taken Friday morning - showed that it has remained the same size since the previous set of pics back in Feb. My physician (who I didn't see, I merely spoke to her nurse on the phone) said that since it's not shrinking and is now causing me trouble I might consider getting it removed, and she can set me up with someone to talk to about the procedure.

I just don't know. Doing so would likely relieve a whole pile of issues (I am having an odd assortment of perimenopause symptoms) but is no longer being cold and itchy worth abdominal surgery? I just don't know what to do.

Oh! I'm also fighting some crappy allergy sinus thing where the stooooooopid trees keep tweaking my nasal passages with their sexy bits. Dang trees wanting to make babies with my nose! Go bother other trees with your biological urges, not me!!

Writing wise, I haven't even looked at anything this week. I know it's because neither book is getting traction and I don't know what direction to go, but this shall pass. Right?

Paid off a credit card this week, which was lovely to do. :)

My weight is terrible. I've put on - gasp! - THIRTY POUNDS. BAM! I had been holding steady at about 15lbs up until this dang cyst thing started, but I don't know how much of the gain is due to the cyst or due to me reaching a frustrated case of the I don't give a flips or stress eating or what. I do know I haven't been following the plan well at all, and I am in charge of what goes into my mouth as well as how much exercise I do. Sigh. Now that all of the easter candy is gone, I can do better! Right? I am positive this newly returned weight is not helping my knees.

LOVING the new bed. Muchly. It's awesome.

Mostly I'm exhausted and aching and tired and frustrated and wandering around wondering what to do. On most everything.

{{hugs}} and have a great week.


Jean said...

Not much more exciting than paying off a credit card! Way to go.

Hugs, hugs, and hugs on the weight gain. I have been there. I'm praying I don't go back, but I can't say it won't happen. I know I really don't want it to.

Yay for sending the first bed back and getting another one -- and for it being the right one for you!

You already know I send a great big BOOOO for the Mutinous Cyst.

Wendy said...

Can they remove the cyst with a minimally invasive procedure? Is it covered by insurance? If yes, I'd go for it, especially if they could throw in a tummy tuck. ;-) Seriously, though, if they can kill more than one bird with that stone, it's worth considering, especially since it's not going away on its own.

Tammy Jones said...

Insurance will definitely cover it (not sure about the tummy tuck lol) but at this point I have no idea how much they'll want to take, or how big of a surgery it'll be. Might be laproscopic, might now. I won't know anything more until I talk w/ my regular doc.

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