Sunday, April 13, 2014

A good week overall

It was a good week overall, capped by a writers group meeting Saturday in which I gave my very first PowerPoint presentation. It was also the first PPP ever for the group. The group now has 20 paid members for its core and another 10 or so guests who wander in occasionally. That might not sound impressive, but prior to this, the group averaged five or six members. It's growing, and the members are learning about writing. This year's anthology is better than last year's, and the book has improved each year. I'm proud of it and the members.

Haven't exercised this week. I concentrated on doing work around the horse: chores and gardening. They left me exhausted, but pleased. I started an herb garden on my back porch. Just few herbs, but I'm going to add more. I want to fill my porch, yard, and life with green, growing things, and I don't mean my cousin Frank.

In writing, not much to report. I am participating in the A-Z Blogging Challenge. I've had a few comments, but really, the participants don't visit much. I've been visiting five blogs a day as they suggest and leaving comments, but I've had few visitors and fewer comments. Well, it's still interesting for what I learn from doing it.

Got my taxes done. Had to pay the feds and got money back from the state. Neither amount was large. I've learned how to keep my money closely so that my taxes even out. Of course, the amount of income is nothing to rejoice about, but it is income. I'm grateful for my readers who have continued to buy my books and tell other people about them.

My goldfish are doing well. Just in case you had wondered. I'm sure people wonder about them. I don't think they're going to go to college, but that's their decision. I can't expect them to be happy in the home aquarium forever.

Couldn't go the Medieval Fair last weekend. I was really disappointed. We were going to try to go Sunday, but it got rained out and closed early. Next year, I will get to go and hear Scottish bands and eat expensive food and see too many people in tights.

This week's plans include:
- Getting my hair cut. It's getting rather wild.
- Household chores.
- Working on a project that it's too soon to talk about.
- Submit a revision and order the final proof copy of the writers group anthology.
- Pick up a couple more herbs at the local garden center.
- Take more photos of spring.
- Exercise some. Even 10 minutes a day would be great.
- Edit a page a day in a friend's short story.
- Edit a page a day in a friend's book.
- Blog M-Q.
- Take books back to library on time.
- And a few other mundane things.

Hope you have a marvelous week.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Your writers' group is huge. That it's become larger under your watch is a testament to your leadership (or your extraordinary extortion techniques).

I had a peak increase toward the beginning of the month. Visits are tapering off. I'd forgotten yours was on a different site than usual, but I got caught up visiting this morning. I also added that to my RSS reader, so I won't miss future posts. I leave a link back to my site when I visit, and I usually get a return visit. I do not comment on every blog I visit -- on several, I cannot find a way to comment, and on others, well, let's just say I decide not to comment and leave it at that.

Yay for taxes being done. Glad to hear the goldfish are doing well. College discriminates against goldfish in the entry process. Bummer on missing the Medieval Fair. I know you usually enjoy it.

Sounds like a good week both in what you got done and in what you plan to do.

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