Saturday, April 26, 2014

Lean On Me

Mr. L has returned from SA, and from all the griping he's doing about all the things he couldn't get done that he needed to do because he had to do things I usually do, I guess he missed me.  I sincerely doubt he would have gotten much more accomplished even if I'd have been there.  At least, that's the way it seems when I do go down there with him.  But, I've noticed he's much more discombobulated when I'm not around.  I think it's going to be more this way rather then less for the rest of our lives.  After twenty years of marriage, I'm still trying to figure out how to synchronize my life with what he needs.  I realize that sounds negative.  It's not meant to.

My appointment went well my my nurse practitioner.  She got the annual exam out of the way.  She examined both my knees, said, "That's interesting" but didn't elaborate, and I got distracted trying to remember other things I needed to ask her and didn't get a clarification. She had the prosthetics shop give me a cool knee brace, and I wish I'd had her give me two, because this one is better than the really nice one I already had.  Oh, well.  I got x-rays of feet, knees, and right hip.  Feet are for referral to podiatry to get new custom orthotics for my feet and probably to have the numbness in my big toe examined -- she suspects age-related bunion.  For my chapped eye corners, she recommends Vaseline, which is what I was thinking.  And she's going to send me a steroid cream for my psoriasis on my elbows and knuckles.  If that doesn't work, she'll refer me to dermatology.  She examined my thumb, and we both agree I probably just jammed it.  A productive visit that knocked out a lot of nagging annoyances. I should be hearing from podiatry in a few weeks, and I'm not sure if orthopedics will be contacting me or not, but the x-rays are on my record, so I'm comfortable for now.

It's a static week for weight.  Actually, I picked up a couple of pounds, but I'm going to stay the course, and I think they'll drop over the next week or so. Stabilization and all that.  I do need to remain diligent in my efforts, though.

The Lift Team sent me a nice Polar Heart Rate Monitor as a thank you for participating in their Quantified Diet Study (Tammy got a cool cookbook for her efforts).

I got several scenes knocked out for Kitty City while I had ownership of the kitchen table.  I think I'm down to eight scenes to go before I can move on to Lesson 18 of How To Revise Your Novel.  I did prep work for How To Write A Series, which will be Kitty City.  Overall, a productive writing week.  According to Timesheeter, 6.5 hours worth of work.  Not exactly outstanding, but much more than I've been doing for quite a while.

The Week Ahead:
  • Help Mr. L with his projects
  • Mow and trim
  • Water
  • Find a way to fit writing work in around him
  • Public Health Preparedness Volunteer Training on Monday night (I'm not sure what this will entail, if anything.  Their flier wasn't very specific)
  • Get sleep and pay attention to what I eat.
Hope y'all have a great week.


Tammy Jones said...

Jean, that all sounds really great for the most part and I'm glad you got a new brace and appointments to work on the rest.

Many, many {{hugs}}

Wendy said...

6.5 hours of work is a lot better than I did! Timesheeter is becoming my new friend. Love that you have get sleep and pay attention to what you eat on your to do list. Sometimes that's the best you can do.

Jean said...

So, you got Timesheeter to work for you, Wendy? I've found it to be very useful.

I feel as if I'm in the critical place on my mindful eating plan -- it doesn't help that weight this week is up a pound or two. I'm telling myself that's normal, but I don't want it to get away from me. I'm focusing on staying the course, and getting enough sleep will help with that.

Wendy said...

I haven't played much with Timesheeter. I'm using it as a time clock and recording the time on my word count spreadsheet. That keeps everything in one place, and it's helpful to be able to pause the clock when I do something not writing related.

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