Friday, October 28, 2011

October 28 tambometrics

Trying to take care of things early so, in theory, I'll have a free weekend. Never worked out that way before, but there's always a first time, right?

I read Steve King's On Writing (always a boost for me) this week and I've read what I'd already written for Stain of Corruption, which was amazingly not-awful. I've also signed up to do NaNo, more to get back into the daily habit and to make some progress on Stain than any actual likelihood of 'winning'. 

This would be my third (I think) 'attempt' at NaNo and each and every time I've written a whole whopping zero words. 

As my husband says when he's channeling his inner Bullwinkle, This time for sure! ;)

No word on M from the two publishers that have had it since mid September. No news is good news. :)

I repaired the 'sleeve' part of a baby seat cushion we bought at a yard sale. At least that meant I turned the sewing machine on and sewed for about 2 minutes. I really need to get the sewing room set up. I MUST. Time's running out and I've sewn nothing for the baby.

Drama continues but it's Bill's problem now. Otherwise, we're all good. :)

Actually in pretty decent shape, other than the kitchen and my sewing room. And, of course, the garage. It's a disaster. Bill wanted to get a good mow/mulch in before it snows, but something in the mower is messed up. He's ordered a part, and hopefully it'll get here in time - and he can get it fixed in time - to get the pre-winter lawn work handled.

Been working out all week with Richard Simmons for 15-20 min (until I'm coughing so hard it makes me dizzy) and I've been holding steady at 13lbs down. Happy to have that as the new plateau. Next week is my annual checkup, and I think my doc will be pleased with that. I think, too, I'm going to have her check for hypothyroid because I'm COLD all of the time (even in sweltering August heat), despite taking iron pills every day. It's still warm out and I'm all bundled up like it's January. Very aggravating. 

Everything Else
Um. Not sure what else there is. ;) 


Jean said...

This time for sure! (Love Bullwinkle!)

Enjoy your weekend.

Wendy said...

It sounds like you're managing well.

FWIW, one of my friends in Canada was cold all the time and her doctor told her to eat more protein. I don't remember if he specified plant-based protein, but she started growing sprouts and they helped. If you're interested, I can troll her blog and see if I can find the post.

Tammy Jones said...

Sure, Wendy. My diet is *mostly* meat and veggies, so I should be getting enough protein, but any other tips or suggestions would surely help. Thank you!!! {{huggs}}

Wendy said...

Easy enough! Here's the link.

SBB said...

This year is your NaNo year, Tammy! I'll be rootin' for ya.

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