Saturday, October 29, 2011

Week 43

Forty-three weeks into 2011.  Grinding that routine rut just a little deeper.  ;)
Granite Hill - I worked on it most days this week.  For the past two days, I've been writing the back story, and some interesting things emerged.

- I'd like to have the corrupt town banker crushed like a bug, but I don't understand enough about how people like that stay in power without getting knocked out to be able to write it
- Some interesting opportunities for POV emerged from the back story.
-- One of the original MCs has an opportunity to turn his life around (redemption) -- he's tired of being used.
-- The character with the right voice for that just might be that character's 35-year old son -- he's watched his father through thick and thin, and he has the maturity and perspective to narrate the story
-- I may make this kind of a memoir format with alternating POVs; the son as primary narrator, the dad as kind of moderator and balancing view.  It's an experiment.  It may not work.  It's NaNo.  I experiment with new things in NaNo.
- I had a great first line yesterday, didn't think I'd use it, so I didn't write it down.  Now, I'm regretting that.  Why, oh why, when I have a great line, don't I write it down? - I wrote every day.  Logged lots of words while I was working on the back story!

Internet Responsibilities - I blogged a couple of days.  I'm still sorting through circles in G+ (I'll probably focus solely on  the NaNo and Inner Circle circles for November and ignore most other things (at least, that's my going in theory).  While we're on the subject of NaNo, I saw this remarkable post about "Backwards NaNo -- The Reward System"  The idea is to write MORE words the first day and fewer each day afterward, winding up with just a single word as your goal for the 30th.

Pets - I signed up for the LifeHacker One Month Workout Challenge on  Two days a week, I'm supposed to go for a twenty minute walk or run.  I take Millie with me, and she enjoys that.

The only thing worse than two growing kittens is two young adult cats.  I tell myself to cherish and enjoy their enthusiasm now, because soon they will be boring, stodgy, cats, but, my goodness!

Tarzan weighs 10 pounds, Lady weighs 11 pounds, and Ajax weigh 12.5 pounds.  Natasha was under the bed, so I didn't drag her out to weigh her this week, but she has kept herself at a trim 9-10 pounds since 2005, so I don't think anything has changed there.

Property -
- I bagged four bags of trash at the shop and put it out for Friday.  I neatly folded an ugly, nasty, green shag carpet and put it out as my bulk item for the week.  It's gone!
- I shredded the collected branches in the back yard pile and bagged them in preparation to using the mulch as road base at the ranch.  I still need to cut the larger limbs to length.
- The outdoor faucets all have their protective winter covers installed

Health -
- Down .8 pounds from last week (which, was way up from where it has been).  Not much, but at least it moved in a more preferable direction.
- More recumbent bike riding, more Wii, and some other exercises for the LifeHacker challenge.

Other -
- Hubby will be back here tomorrow for the week.  It's always interesting getting NaNo words in when he's around, but it seems to go okay.
- My parents bought a house and take possession on Jan 12.  My sister quipped, "I think you ought to come up here for a visit around, oh, January 11th."  I told hubby, and he said, "I could hitch up the big yellow trailer."  I may ask if they need help, because a 14' enclosed trailer with a drop down ramp could be a big help anytime when moving, but especially in Wisconsin in January.


Wendy said...

I'm going to try that reverse NaNo, or at least the theory of it. Between Thanksgiving company and travel, I effectively only have 20 days in November. I know I'll be able to write some when the Boys are here, but getting ahead while I can would be amazing.

Jean said...

I was thinking, this Reverse NaNo will be great for people having Thanksgiving company and needing time to devote to enjoying the holiday. Good luck!

I was entering the numbers (with the words remaining to completion as well) into a Google calendar, and I kept thinking, if this is all that's left, I could just about finish it here. (And, I probably will if the words are flowing).

SBB said...

Wow, Jean. You stay so busy and productive! Awesome!

I have always done a Reverse NaNo, but just because I have more energy for the project at the beginning. Also, I'm always worried about missing a day or two, so getting ahead is awesome.

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