Monday, January 13, 2014


The last week went by fast, but when I look back, I can't see what I've done. Well, a few household chores. A bit of walking and exercise. And I presided over the writers group meeting on Saturday. And we had guests that afternoon, a great visit, but I was exhausted by the time everyone left.

What else?

Went to dinner a couple of times with friends. Enjoyed the warmer weather. It's supposed to be warmer this week, also. I'm so ready for spring and summer. I long for the light, warmth, and longer days.

So that's about it.

This week I'm hoping to do more. I'm starting work on the writers group anthology for this year. They've started submitting stories to me. I'm hoping to format them as I receive them. I'm behind at the moment, but the submissions have dropped off dramatically so I should catch up tomorrow and Wednesday.

Anyway, have a great week!


Jean said...

Yes, already! Despite what you say, it sounds like a busy week and reasonably productive. Baby steps.

Wendy said...

Might it help to keep a journal of the things you've done day by day? Nothing fancy, just a list of chores and such. I've found it helpful in following up on things too, like when I mailed a package or spoke to a specific person or changed the furnace filter.

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