Sunday, January 5, 2014

All I see is white...

It's been a snowy week. I had to stay an extra day upstate, and I was downstate a whole day before it started snowing here. We've got more here than I've ever seen, which isn't saying a whole lot considering we're more likely to get ice than snow. There's enough now that I'll actually have to break out the shovel. Or get Alex to. ;-) Visibility is pretty low right now, but it's good enough that I can see a loose piece of siding waving like a banner on the house across the street.

Good Stuff:
- The apartment is starting to look like home, so much so that I left there to come downstate, not home. It's a small distinction but relevant, I think, and Eric was pleased to hear it.
- Our plans are finally firm. The final move will be MLK weekend, and Chad (one of the Boys) is going to drive down and help us. He will pick Eric up Friday night on his way here, and we'll pick up the UHaul truck Saturday morning. That gives me two weeks to get my crap together.
- Cat shots are up to date. We won't need to find a vet straight away, and if I need one, my next-door neighbor has dogs. She'll know someone. Interestingly, the cats are all 5 lbs apart now. Chloe is 5 lbs, Tess is 10, and Ryan is 15. Ryan has gained weight; Tess and Chloe are essentially the same, although at their size, a few ounces makes a big difference.
- As a bonus, I didn't have to catch any cats for the vet run. I was off telling stories when Eric and Alex caught them. I got back just in time to change back into street clothes and load the carriers into the car. The vet run is slightly more pleasant when I don't have to chase anyone down first, but not much. I'd still rather get two mammograms than take my cats to the vet.
- I had my first Lake Effect Snow Warning. If we have to have severe weather, I'll take that one. It's prettier than a tornado.

Not So Good Stuff:
- I looked at my 2013 writing spreadsheet. I averaged a little over 11 writing days per month last year. That stinks. I've added a new goal: write 200 days. That will average out to 16 days. I'd like to do 250, but that might be a bit too ambitious to start with. I'll shoot for 200 first and maybe revise to 250.
- I won't get into the details of moving prep. It feels like a lot.
- Next Sunday is my last at church. I'm trying not to think about it. Instead, I'm trying to look forward to seeing how I can get involved in our new church.

I think that about sums it up. I think I better go at least shovel a path to the mailbox, and then I need to get some more words in.


SBB said...

So you wrote 132 days! Awesome! Yeah, you might have been able to do more, but you did other important things instead. I wish I had done as well as you. Good job, Wendy.

It's cold here, too, but no snow, thank God. We don't get snow and ice often enough to handle it well. Power goes off, people have wrecks, etc. Not much fun. I do not envy you!

Tammy Jones said...

Wendy, I think that sounds pretty darn good, overall. You're settling in, making plans, and looking forward to writing more. Plus the snow. ;)

Congrats on what writing days you did have last year! Maybe I need to do that. I know that tracking my daily word counts - I just write them in a pocket calendar - seems to help me get past the struggle of a book opening. Usually.

Congrats, too, to the cats not needing to meet a new vet and get shots and all right after a move. Just taking them in is tough enough, don't need them stressed over strange surroundings, too! {{hugs}}

Jean said...

Yay for the kitties being ready to move. You can do this. It will all work out just fine.

I think 132 days of writing is wonderful. It's a goal you can plan to exceed, and have a good chance of doing, yet it was more than once every three days.

Wendy said...

I know the writing thing from last year looks okay on paper, but I'm not giving it the dedication a career deserves. I know pro writers don't spend every waking moment writing, but I feel like I should at least treat it like a part-time job, and showing up every couple days would get me fired in the real world. For now, I'm focusing on get words down. I don't have a minimum. Shooting for 10 or more, enough to be able to say I wrote. I figure the quantity will come but I need to get the habit of showing up ingrained. To that end, since I'm sharing an office with Eric, I've commandeered the side that's sunny in the morning. I can sit in a sunbeam with my coffee and work.

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