Sunday, January 12, 2014

Could It Be Magic

Probably not, because nothing magically got my list from last week accomplished this week.  Oh, sure, I went to the Atmos Energy website, but I didn't find anything about any projects to move gas meters above ground.  Everything else?  Pretty much a no go.

Sneaky didn't come around the windows on Monday night, so I figured she didn't want to come in out of the cold.  Of course, the rest of the week, all evening, all I heard was Sneaky outside.  Sneaky at the window.  Sneaky hanging on the screen.  Sneaky inside the screen.  Sneaky playing with Daphne through the window. Sneaky playing coy and snubbing me when I go outside.  Do you think that cat might just be inside my head a little?

I turned around from the computer for something last night, and I swear Rossie was lying on the floor a foot from Lady's cage. It may have been Ruby, but it sure looked like Rossie.  I've had more sightings of her upstairs, too.  Her progress is so incremental, it's hard to really tell, but I think she's coming along.  I hope so.  Lady is getting impatient with her restrictions.  But, she's still beating up the other cats, so we have a lot of work to do yet.

I turned the compost pile.  There are some massive white grubs in there.  My composting book doesn't seem to mention them, and my on line searches are evenly split about whether they are good or bad.  I'm inclined to think I'm not going to worry about them.  I'll sift them out before we spread the dirt on the yard.  The yard already has grubs, and Mr. L is convinced they eat weed roots, so he's not worried about it.

It's a small thing, but I got FM's favicon working on the site.  I hadn't given it much thought until Margaret asked about it. I researched how to get it to display and took care of it.  I'm happy to see it on my browser tab now.

With the mindful eating approach, sometimes I reach a point where I just want to rush through and finish what I'm eating.  After a few days pondering that and checking in with how my body was feeling, I think that point MAY be the point where my body is telling me it's full enough.  To try and find the right portion sizes, I'm taking a picture of my meal before I begin to eat it and another one when I reach that point where I think my body may be saying, "Okay.  I'm good."  I've done it for two days, so it's too early to tell what kind of modifications, if any, I want to make.  It's intriguing, though.  I'm journaling this stuff in my Day One app on my phone and iPad.  I'd never used the app before, and I'm disappointed to learn I can only use one photo per entry.  That means two entries per meal with the photo plan. I'm also evaluating what I eat and actively making a note of foods I don't find valuable in the flavor and texture area, and I'm planning to eliminate them from the diet.  Mr. L has been told to reduce carbs by his doctor (and I need to do so as well), so I'm looking at the carb content of the foods in our meals on my Lose It! app.  We discuss which foods have higher content, evaluate possible alternatives, and then we can decide if we want to eliminate, make changes, or ignore.  Friday night, we decided not to eat the rice that came with our fajita meal.  It was not worth the 44grams of carbs to us.  That eliminated almost one-third of the carbs from that meal, and we didn't miss it.  That restaurant's rice isn't that good.

The Week Ahead:
  • Continue with eating mindfully as well as with the other Lift plans.  I added Meditation 101 this week.  So far, nothing earth-shattering with it, but I thought I'd give it a try.
  • Continue working on A-Z Challenge fiction -- I have the titles laid out, but I have a lot of writing to do.  I have a couple of drafts done.  I'm pleased with where B and M are.  The rest?  More work.
  • I listed my draft manuscripts that need to be evaluated.  During NaNo I did some partial read back on my character sketches, and I really enjoyed those characters.  I want to spend some time reviewing characters and storylines to plan which ones to work on next after I finish the PBOTL revision -- which I'm slated to resume work on but have not done yet.  I also listed my fragments of fiction.  Last month I had a little fun with a story called Kitty City.  I need to get back to that one.
  • I reviewed my newsletter layout, and discovered four of the five articles are pretty much set for topic, and I have one wildcard article.  I think the March newsletter will be an A-Z Challenge preview -- hopefully a treat for my club members.
  • I bagged some leaves and debris at the shop today.  I need to get to work on the crape myrtles here at the house.  This is the time of year to trim and train them.


Tammy Jones said...

It mostly sounds pretty good, Jean. I have a suggestion on the eating. In the new WW book with the 2014 starter kits, there's a little passage about knowing when you're full. In it, the author says that when you hit that moment, when you've had enough, you will sigh, like 'that hit the spot'. I thought it was goofy, but it turns out to be true, for me at least. I keep eating after that sigh, I notice it's too much.

Anyway, I thought it might help, especially since you're being mindful. :)

I can't see how grubs could be bad, after all, they're saying you have good yummy compost, which surely is a good thing. :)

Jean said...

Thanks, Tammy. I'll pay attention to that and see how it works for me.

That's kind of how we think of the grubs, Tammy, but we're newbies at this process.

Wendy said...

Interesting food observations. I hadn't actively thought about flavor and texture, although I guess will all note when something feels slimy or tastes too sweet. I assume you're also noting the flavors/textures of the healthy foods you like so you can work more of them in?

Smart choice on the rice. Why waste calories on something that isn't that good to start with?

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