Sunday, December 4, 2011

Down time

Bad, bad, bad week. Well, those happen. Although I do seem to get more than my share lately.

I wrote a new Tale from Bethlehem for my family's monthly newsletter. This one was really hard to write. I've just about run out of ideas for them. Well, I'll have a whole year to think of the next one.

I read Twice Around the Crazy Tree, my NaNoWriMo novel. Ouch. It has some good scenes in it, but nothing remotely resembling a plot. It's going to take much work to make it readable. Maybe I will, but maybe not. Either way, I learned a lot during the writing.

Tomorrow I will print out the current copy of Murder by the Mile and start editing and writing new scenes. Past time for that book to be finished. I've known how to fix it for a while, but couldn't work up any energy to do so. Well, that's nothing to do about it except do it.

Seriously, let's skip this one until after Christmas. I'm trying to get that back bedroom ready for visitors, but it's not happening. Don't have anywhere to put the clutter in. Can't throw enough of it away, especially since a lot of it is my roomie's camping gear. Otherwise, the house looks festive and as nice as it can under the circumstances. I'm okay with it until the New Year.

Not good. IBD flare and a lingering cold have put me down for the count. I just drag myself out of bed to the bathroom and back. It's better today, though, so I'm hoping the meds have finally kicked in. Haven't been able to walk at the gym since Tuesday. Don't think I'll be able to tomorrow unless I improve drastically. But maybe by Tuesday or Wednesday.

My new printer is having problems loading paper. Turns out this is a problem for these printers. Sigh. Going to try to talk to tech support tomorrow and see if there is any solution other than me returning it for servicing.

The black dog has grabbed hold and won't let go. This will pass, but it's taking forever. Well, it feels that way.

Car still broke, still no job, money screamingly tight, etc., etc. Well, not supposed to whine about things. Call it venting instead. ;)

Did go to The Hanging of the Green at the local United Methodist Church tonight. Great music. I thought the building was cold, but that might have been because I'm not feeling great. Glad I went.

Anyway, it's just about Monday. A new day in a new week. See you there.


Jean said...

It's been a rough week. We all made it through, and I'm going to count that as good. I know you're not a big hugger, but I think you could use a few, so here's a snug, encouraging internet {{{{hug}}}}.

If you're happy with whatever clutter you have through the holidays, I'm happy, too. Pet that dog, give him a bone, and send him on his way.

I hope you're feeling better by Tuesday or Wednesday. I know the gym misses you, and it sounds like you miss it, too (just a teensy bit).

Wendy said...

Wow, we really are all kindred spirits, aren't we? Hang in there, it will be better this week.

It's always so much harder to tackle clutter when it's not all your own. I went through a bunch of books to donate, and Eric put three of them back.

I hope you're feeling better.

Tammy Jones said...

Stephen, many, many cyber hugs. I know it sucks and that black dog especially can be a pita, but we're all here to listen and to help as much as we can. If you can toss one little thing, it's PROGRESS. One word is PROGRESS. One extra minute of walking, even if it's just across the living room and back, is PROGRESS.

Holidays suck. Hang in there, and this too shall soon pass. {{huggs}}

SBB said...

Thank you all. I appreciate the support. I hadn't replied until now because I've been mostly staying away from the computer (other than some marketing for Floozy) and losing myself in books. Reading has always been a great source of comfort and escapism, particularly when things seem so hopeless. Other people's dreams lift me up out of myself.

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