Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas weekend tambometrics

We're home for the weekend (mostly because Bill's working, delivering all those last minute presents and cards), then off to visit family next week. Busy, busy, but that's good. :)

Nothing at all to report. I keep trying to write, but I got nuthin'. Too tired, I think.

Finished a bed quilt and a baby quilt. Still have a stocking to get done.

Also, I signed up for a quilt retreat in February. I'm not good at retreats, but it *is* good for me to get out and do things and not be such a hermit. I don't meant to be a hermit, it just seems to work out that way.

Busy but good. Been baking a lot (finishing today), and there are all those last minute holiday errands - oh, crap! forgot to get (fill in the blank). Planning on a good dinner here at home, with ham, scalloped corn, scalloped potatoes, good bread, etc. Should be yummy.

Not much happening with the house. lol We're here, and all is well. :)

Lost all but one pound of the uptick in weight, mostly because I got back on my water drinking. It's amazing how not drinking adds weight. 

Pulled a muscle in my mid back and I'm pretty sure it's from marathon sewing at the machine and hand-sewing binding. It's more of an annoyance than anything, and ibuprofen helps. 

I forgot to put on my rosacea medicine yesterday and, maaaaan, I sure can tell today. Dang redness and stinging!! ;)

Everything Else
Looking forward to all the family stuff next week while Bill's on vacation. Usually we stay home for the whole holiday, so all this travel will be weird, but we have hotel reservations made, plans all set up, and, as we head back north, we're picking up our niece, Kate, to hang out with us over few days of her Christmas break. That'll be fun! :)

It's been a great year hanging out with you all and I cant wait 'til next year!!  {{huggs}}


Jean said...

That's a good point about the water. I haven't been drinking as much lately.

Have a wonderful vacation! Hope Bill gets plenty of opportunity to recuperate from his aches and pains.

SBB said...

I should drink more water, too. Good example, Tammy.

And I hope your holiday is simply grand with much joy and laughter.

Wendy said...

I'm so glad you're doing the quilt retreat. As I recall you had a good time when you went last year.

Have a great time visiting! Is Kate one of the girls you fostered a few years ago?

Tammy Jones said...

Yes, she's the eldest one that gave us So. Much. Trouble. when she was with us, but she's matured nicely. :)

I'll try to have fun. I did, last year, once I relaxed. It just took a day or so. lol


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