Friday, December 23, 2011

Eve of Christmas Eve

Just one more week in the year, and frankly, I'll be glad to see 2011 go. It's been a hard year. But there have been good things in it, also. And one of those good things has been this blog. I've been privileged to share your lives. You've all been more faithful here than I have been, and I appreciated your support and encouragement throughout the year.

Next week I'll be talking about what I want to accomplish in 2012. Got big plans, but all seem doable. At least at this point. What are your goals for the next year? Maybe we could all share them next year.

This week:
Mostly did cleaning, cooking, and Christmas shopping and Christmas wrapping. No writing. No decluttering.

No walking this week, besides Monday. Meant to, but got hurt Wednesday. Went to lunch with a friend of mine, and as I existed the booth, it collapsed, pinning my leg under the bench. A support board landed on my ankle and my knee received a huge twist as I tumbled to the floor. Nothing broke, thank the Good Lord, but lots of swelling and bruising. I limped around the rest of the day, but Thursday was terrible. Today isn't so bad. It's getting better.

I usually spend Christmas alone. Have most years since my parents passed away. It's sometimes lonely, but  it's peaceful and lazy, too. But this year, my roomie isn't going to be going home that day, so I'll actually have someone here. I'm pleased. Decided to make a fairly large Christmas dinner. Ham, potatoes, salad, veggies, rolls, frosted banana bread, etc.

Supposed to go to a friend's house Christmas Eve and have dinner and then go to a Christmas Eve service afterwards.

Will have Christmas with my sibs and nieces and nephew next week.

Still have some wrapping to do, but all the presents are bought, all the cards mailed, all the decorations that are going to be put up have been put up.

In conclusion:
I wish you all the best and hope you have a blessed and joyous Christmas. Merry Christmas, y'all!


Jean said...

Ow. Ow. Ow. I feel sympathy pain for you.

We're doing a rotisserie ham, hubby's holiday rice (yummy, maybe he'll let me share the recipe), peas with mushrooms and pearl onions, rolls, cherry pie, and ice cream.

I like to have a snack tray available while we're working on the Christmas puzzle, so I have low salt deluxe mixed nuts, hint of salt ritz, cheddar cheese, shortbread cookies, snickerdoodles, and gingerbread (all store bought) for the snack tray. Hubby has his eggnog and bourbon (yeeecchhhh). I have Diet Coke. Hubby plans to make a pot of real coffee Christmas morning, so that will be his splurge.

I do plan to look back over the year (to see how I did with the goals for this year) and look ahead to what I plan to accomplish next year in next week's post.

Tammy Jones said...

I'm so sorry about your leg. {{huggs}} That sounds awful.

I'm glad, though, that you're looking forward to a busy Christmas with friends. It's a great season to share our blessings.

Merry, merry Christmas, Stephen. May 2012 be an awesome year! {{huggs}}

SBB said...

Jean, so cool that you and hubby do puzzles together. I like doing them, but don't have a spare table nor anyone to do them with.

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! I'll be thinking of ya and the hubby.

SBB said...

Tammy, thanks. And I hope your 2012 will be awesome!

Wendy said...

I hope your leg feels better by now. I'm glad you won't be all by your lonesome today. Merry Christmas!

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