Friday, December 23, 2011

Week 50

And it's Christmas Eve, too.  May Santa bring you a little of what you want and all of what you really need.  I know you've been good boy and girls this year. 

The Good
Stephen.  Thank you for proposing this idea around this time last year.  I was happy to help you admin it, but I confess I was skeptical about how well it would turn out.  I don't know if we've made your vision a reality in the way you envisioned it, but I'm thankful the four of us have been together this year.
Wendy.  Thank you for publicly taking the step to sign up with Weight Watchers because you BMI had crept up and yo didn't want it to get out of control.  I'd nearly given up hope that I would ever be able to do anything about my ever-increasing weight.  When you posted, something inside me clicked, and I decided to do it, too.  I am down 30+ pounds from where I started.  I had been as low as 42 pounds down, but I've struggled a bit these last couple of months and regained some.  You've also encouraged me as I've struggled with useful suggestions.
Tammy.  Thank you for your perception and support not only these last few months but over the last few weeks.

You all have been good friends and supporters this year.  I hope we'll continue to grow and support one another over the next year and beyond.  Merry Christmas!


SBB said...

Thank you, Jean, for being a great admin! And I've enjoyed the weekly visits here, even when I didn't show up. :)

Tammy Jones said...

Merry Christmas to you, too, Jean! {{huggs}}

Wendy said...

I'm glad I made a difference. I wasn't sure I wanted to go public because I wasn't *fat*. I've gotten the looks from people who are heavier than me when they learn I'm doing WW. Losing the extra weight has made a big difference for me, though, and I know it will for you. You're doing a great job! You know where to find me when you get discouraged.

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